
Chp 61 : Envy?

Wednesday updates, please do enjoy the chapter

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Toby who was still in a state of shock was staring at Al in his Sherlock Holmes outfit, complete with a fake tobacco pipe which he saw bubbles came out of it.

But before he could ask him anything, Al immediately cut off his words.

"Yes dear Toby, It's me, I knew you would be here every 1.00 AM, I always heard a sound of steps and the fridge opened every night, and the volume of the milk in the carton reduced by 200ml. It was impossible for the girls because they always said about diet this and that so they won't eat anything after 9.00 PM and Mom is lactose intolerant.

Jon would be too scared if he got down alone, he preferred to hide inside his precious blanket named dinky, and Bella and Lola were too stupid to open the door.. ouch" Bella and Lola suddenly bit his legs, he lightly smacked their heads and both of them let go off his legs.

He stood up and approached him, observed every inch of his body, and pretended to smoke from his fake detective pipe.

"And that left the suspect, you... Toby!!" He pointed his finger at him, Toby's eye was twitching when he saw his brother's antics.

"Al, what are you doing?"

"No, it should be me, who is asking the question, Mr. Toby!" He immediately interjected before Toby could ask further.

"..." Toby finally gave up and released a long sigh, he made a gesture so Al could continue his mumbling.

Al took off his Sherlock Holmes's attribute and dressed it on to either Lola and Bella, unfortunately, they grunted uncomfortably and it fell off from their body.

They ran off to wherever they went, Al and Toby just watched them in amusement.

Then Al asked Toby to follow him to the orphanage's living room.

For a few minutes, neither Al nor Toby were talking or making any sounds, just let silence took over the room.

Finally, Toby became uncomfortable because of Al's silence, so he decided to ask him.

"Okay Al, it's getting annoying, what's happening?"

Al looked at Toby and sighed, "It is me who wants to ask you, Toby. What's happening? You have been off since yesterday and I'm starting to worry about you."

"Nothing, I'm okay Al. I-I have a stomachache yesterday." he finished his sentence with an awkward laugh.

Al gave him a suspicious look, so he decided to go straight to the point, "Okay, Toby admit it, you are jealous of me, right?"

"What!?" He shrieked.

"You are jealous that I became famous, you always look at me with that look, look of resentment and jealousy."

"What're you talking about Al? Are you joking? Or is this one of your pranks?" He tried his hardest not to look at Al in the eyes.

"No, but I know that look when someone envies me, Toby."

Toby grunted, "Not everything is spinning around you Al, I'm going back to my room and rest."

"Oh, so you became a coward now, and don't want to admit it? I'm so disappointed in you Toby!"

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!!" He retorted.

"YES, YOU ARE! Admit it, you are lying to yourself!"

"No, It's not, stop it!"

Their argument escalated for a long time until Toby couldn't take it anymore and unexpectedly, punched him.

"Yes, I am jealous Al, I envied you and how everything about you, and you are everything I wanted to be!" He grabbed Al's collar and screamed at him with his face only an inch away from his.

Toby suddenly realized his blunder, he let go of Al's collar and began begging for forgiveness.

"My God, Al sorry, I didn't mean it. I-I'm sorry. I don't know what possessed me, I'm sorry." Toby was conquered by his guilt, he was speaking stuttered while kept apologizing to him.

Al let out a smile, "Finally you let it out little brother, but the punch was unexpected." He then laughed while grunted in pain.

Toby was confused at Al, but somehow he felt he was free from his burden after he vented every negative feeling he kept in his heart.

But he soon realized that he neglected the elephant in the room after he looked at Al who had a cut on his lip and bleeding from his punch.

He saw that the blood kept flowing from his brother's mouth and immediately went to the fridge to search for some ice.

Al wiped the blood with tissue and compressed his wound with ice that Toby gave to him.

Toby was glad after Al told him that he was okay, and since Al saw that Toby's mental condition was better than before, he finally could ask what made Toby had these issues with him.

If Al asked him in the normal way, Toby would have shrugged him, but if he provoked him, he could vent it all to him.

Finally, Toby opened up and told him everything that has been bothering him.

He admitted to Al, that he was jealous of him because Al had become the person that he wished he could be.

The kind of person that everyone in the orphanage depended on. Before Al and The Man's soul were fused, Toby was the most responsible and smartest kid in the orphanage.

Alphonse maybe was the leader of them all but he was brass, and Toby the responsible one, will be the one who will take care of his problem. Toby even dreamed that Al would be the light and he would become his shadow.

So after Al took both of the roles, the seed of envy within him grew, and fortunately, before it would become self-destruction to them in the future, Al quickly confronted it.

Al thought that envy was something that humans should have, but it cannot let it run wild and must be controlled by each individuality, the same with the other sins.

In his past life, he used to be envious of the people who were born with a golden spoon, unlike him who wasn't even born with any spoon at all.

But he used this envy as an engine to drive him to his success, but unfortunately, his sickness destroyed it.

It was also the same as this life, and fortunately, he had his past memories and "Mind Library" to help him to achieve his goals.

Toby looked at Al and sighed, he thought that he could hide it from him, but they have been together since they were little, so of course he could see it.

He wanted to know if he was too obvious so he asked, "How do you know anyway?"

"If I said that I read a script and it has similarities between us, would you be mad?" He gave Toby an awkward smile.

Toby gave Al a white eye, "No, but I definitely disappointed that you realized it by that method."

Al took the pillow on the sofa and threw it. Toby caught it and they started a pillow fight, and they finished it with laughter.

What happened to Toby was like what happened to Cameron Frye and Ferris Bueller in <Ferris Bueller's Day Off>, that was why Al could realize it after reading the script.

"Toby, I don't know why you wanted to become My Hand, I already stated that the king shits, the hand wipes." That earned him a chuckle from him, he read every book that Al wrote, that include the ASOIAF series even though he was not yet 18.

"And I don't know why you even had a thought of that, but I need you, Toby, you are my brother and I will tell most of my secret I will have in the future, because you are the person I trusted the most, besides Mom and Mary of course." He came to him and patted his shoulder.

"Do you have it? The secret I mean, but it's not like that I want to know it." He crossed his arms and looked somewhere else.

Oh, Toby, he's such a tsundere, "Yes Toby, I had it for a long time ago. But I will tell it in the future, not even Mom or Mary know, just trust me okay?"

Toby nodded, and Al came to one of the cupboards in the living room and pulled out some paper. Toby was curious about the paper that he held, so he decided to ask.

"Uhm, what is that Al?"

"Your score on the test for high school entrance, your IQ, and other papers. Here, can you solve this?" Al gave him paper and a pencil.

Toby looked at the paper and he finished it in only a few minutes. He gave back the paper to him, and Al checked his answer.

"Damn, you are smart Toby, this was an algorithm question for an expert. I think you had a bright future in the stock exchange or the worse is a quantum computer programmer." He joked.

"Well, I'm also surprised you could understand it," Toby said smugly.

"That was also my secret that I'll tell you in the future brother." He smiled, then Al told him what his plan for the future.

He told Toby that Yggdrasil Corp. would become a media empire and he would need a trusted man to manage this multi-billion dollar company, and that man is him.

As for Mary, she said she just wanted to become the CEO of Muspelheim Films because she has just familiarized herself with the film industry, and she said she was too tired to managed bigger fish like Yggdrasil Corp.

He also said that Yggdrasil Corp. would be their family business, so the shareholders would be also the orphanage's tenants.

And the first plan was, foreign currency exchange because currently, the Japanese Yen's value will be increased compared to USD.

Toby as the bright mind will be helping him manage this project.

After he explained his plan to Toby, he made sure if Toby wanted this, "Well, if you don't want to work behind the scenes, I could always make you famous, or celebrity?"

"No Al, this is what I can do the best, you are the light and I'll be your shadow..."

"Okay, when you said it, it sounded cringe, never say it again, promise me." Al pleaded to him by grabbing his shoulders with both hands and started to shake his body aft and forward.

"Al! My brain, my brain was displaced! I can feel it moved, stop it, Al."

"What is going on in here?" Both of them look at where the sound came from and saw Mrs. K and everyone from the orphanage, standing at the living room entrance and looking at both of them as if they were in great trouble.

"Good morning Mom?"

"It's 3 o clock in the morning Al, Toby, what are you doing making a ruckus!"

Laura shrieked in shock, "They are fighting, everyone! Look, Al had a cut on his lip! Mom, do something!"

Mrs. K turned to look at both of them and said, "Is this true Al, Toby?"

"Well, Toby and I had a disagreement and we had cleared the misunderstanding Mom."

Mrs. K released a breath and gesture everyone to go back to their room, and finally, she turned to them.

"Okay, both of you sleep, you had work to do tomorrow."

"Wait, what works?"

"Cleaning all the toilets in the orphanage, of course, that is punishment for both of you for making a ruckus tonight, now go back to your room!"

Then both of them ran away in fear before Mrs. K could add more to their punishment.

Mrs. K smiled at both of them and shook her head, "Kids, I'm glad you could resolve this on your own."

Al went back to his room and found out someone was inside. He thought that it must be Drew, but how surprised he was after he found out that it was Laura.


"Al, is girls kissing each other is normal?"

His brother's alarm screamed wildly.

To Be Continued...

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