
Part Three

AUTHOR'S WARNING " there will be the scene of rape towards the end of the chapter though not explicit, if it is going to be a trigger for you please do skip this chapter. Thanks"

PAST(Evelyn recounts every detail of the day of her rape.)

Throughout the day Evelyn was pumped with nervous excitement, she was going out with Daryl Smith this evening. Finally, they are going to have their first date, and Evelyn could hardly wait. She felt like screaming her happiness on top of the rooftop but restricted herself to bouncing off the walls of her room as she put her imagination to good use. She tried imagining possible ways the date could go and all left her smiling wider than the people in toothpaste commercials.

The day was not moving fast as Evelyn wished it would as she couldn't wait for the evening to reach. Being the only one in the house as her mum was at work and she doesn't work on weekends she tried to find things to occupy her till she is time for her date.

Thinking of things to do Evelyn picked cleaning, a chore she wouldn't do unless held at gunpoint, but this is a testament to how bored she was and how badly she needed a distraction.

Lost in her thoughts Evelyn was surprised to see that it only took her an hour to clean every nook and cranes of their house, it wasn't much of a surprise seeing that their house was just a modest two-bedroom apartment, so there wasn't much to clean. Evelyn had hoped to do the chore would have taken a chunk out of her time but a look at the clock made her groan when she saw it was only 10 am leaving her with another nine hours to find something to keep her busy.

Evelyn thought about calling someone to come to keep her company, but going through her contacts there was no one who she could call up, cause everyone on her list was mere acquaintances or work colleagues not good candidates for this kind of job. Her mind went to the only person she would minimally regard as a friend, scrolling down to her contact she gave her a call.

The phone rang for a few seconds before the voice mail picked " if you are trying to reach me sorry I am not here to pick up."

Evelyn sighed and flung herself on the bed, throwing her arms wide with legs thrown apart and her gaze fixed to the ceiling as she pondered what next to do. A thought struck her mind and she scrambled up and made her way to her sketchbook.

No Evelyn was not an artist but she likes to dabble at sketching dresses not that she thinks it any good for anyone to sow talk more of wear, but all the same, it provided a good outlet for Evelyn to spend her leisure when she is not reading fashion blogs or watching their shows.

Picking up the wide books, she flipped through so many of her sketches till she got to a blank page and then picked up her pencil to start her creation.

After several torn, folded, and thrown into the waste bin pages, Evelyn gave up on drawing anything good and threw herself down to her bed and went back to ceiling gazing.

Her strolling thoughts stumbled up to her date and she couldn't believe

a man as beautiful as her date will be interested in her, a naive and so not sophisticated woman he has ever met. To Evelyn, the whole thing still felt surreal, like she is still dreaming maybe by the end of this date she will finally believe that the man was really interested in her.

Though some people may be concerned about their age difference like her mother it didn't bother Evelyn who has always been attracted to older men, even though she hasn't meant one that made her feel like Daryl, all giddy and excited. Her thoughts circling around her date, Evelyn found her eyes drooping till she fell asleep with the thoughts of her upcoming date putting a smile on her face.

"So baby are you excited about your date?" Melinda asked her daughter in a teasing tone, as she straightened out her hair, while she put her makeup on.

"You know I am" Evelyn teased back with a wide grin on her face as she stared at the mirror making sure her makeup was perfect. She rarely wears makeup and hasn't had so many opportunities to dress up, but Daryl had told her to dress formally, and that exactly what she was doing, and hopefully the makeup will help her look more sophisticated and mature.

Evelyn was about to put on her mascara, so she made a hand for her mum to pause to avoid poking herself in the eye, done with that, she picked up her colorless lip gloss smearing a little on her forefinger she applied it across her full lips, smacking both lips together for even spread. She made faces at the mirror drawing a chuckle from her mum who was watching her from behind.

Though Melinda has some reservations about her child going out with a man close to her age, she was pleased to see her daughter happy and if it takes a man such as Daryl Smith to put such a look on her face when she was willing to put her doubts away and support her child.

"You look stunning baby," she complimented her daughter with a proud smile on her face, leaning down to kiss her baby's hair that has fallen down in straight waves after she was done straightening it. She was a little sad to see her beautiful curls disappear but her daughter had insisted that going straight will give her a more mature look, which Melinda didn't agree with but didn't want to argue.

"Thanks, mum, " Evelyn said giving her a sweet smile, "I resemble my MA" she added with a cheeky smile and giggled when her mum face flushed from her words.

Evelyn stood up and made her way to her closet which she opened to bring out the black gown she prepared for the occasion.

She put on the gown and smiled proudly when the gown molded perfectly to her body show casing her curves perfectly. The length of the gown made it possible for Evelyn to flaunt her long legs which was made more prominent when she climbed on her five inch silver heel shoe. She cat walked to the mirror and gave herself a once over, feeling satisfied with the result she took several pose in the mirror admiring the final result. All together she presented an Elegant, sophisticated and beautiful look, which was what she was going for. Needing an extra opinion she turned to her mum.

"How do I look?" she asked turning around with a bright smile.

Just a moment, Melinda said to her daughter before disappearing out the door leaving her child confused. She came back few minutes later bearing in her hand a beautiful silver necklace which she put on her daughters neck, turning her around she whispered beautiful softly.

Evelyn hand went to the pretty necklace adorning her slender neck, caressing it lightly she whispered her thanks in a soft tone with a smile at her mum while they gazed at each other. Evelyn could see the reservation and worry in her mums eyes even though she tried to hide it from her.

Evelyn sighed before turning to her mum, you don't have to worry mum, I am a big girl, I can take care of myself, "She murmured softly trying to assure her mother.

Yeah, I know you are a grown woman but it is mothers' prerogative to worry about their children, and moreover I don't think I trust that ma....

Evelyn didn't let her mum finish before she cut in

"Don't start mum, "she said softly not willing to go into another debate over her mum trusting her enough to realize she knows what she was doing.

I am sorry, " Melinda whispered looking down.

"Is okay mum, I know you are trying to look out for me, but trust me, I know what I am doing.

"Is not you that I don't trust but your date," Melinda whispered beneath her voice.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

Evelyn beamed and headed towards the door with her mum on her heels.

She opened the door with a wide smile on her face to see her date looking dandy and dashing his charming smile in place. Evelyn stared, taking in by his appearance.

"Red roses for a red hot lady", Daryl said to his stunning date allowing his gaze to do an ounce over her appearance and liking what he saw.

His words snapped Evelyn out of her trance, she smiled shyly at her date before taking the outstretched flowers, her cheeks tinted red.

Without looking at her date she stepped aside for him to come while she went towards the kitchen to find a vase for the flowers. Returning to the living room she found her date locked in tense silence with her mum, walking towards him she grabbed his hand and headed towards the door, "see you later mum," she said to her mum with a look before following her date out the door.

Melinda sighed and settled down the couch to await her daughters return knowing she wouldn't be till her daughter makes it back home and safe.

"My lady," Daryl to said opening the door earning a beautiful smile from his date before she slided into the passenger seat.

Evelyn eyes grew wide in amazement when they drove into one of the most renowned and expensive restaurants in the city, a place Evelyn has never dreamt she could eat in and now here she is.

Daryl parked the car, smiling inside at the surprised look on his date face, tonight he plans to wine and dine the beautiful young lady before taking her home for a little bit of fun. Walking to the other side he held the door open for his date to step out and couldn't help raking his eyes over the chocolate smooth skin that was peeping through the square neck of her gown.

Evelyn smiled shyly at her date when he helped her step down and flushed red when she noticed him ogling her cleavage, and when their gaze met he didn't look sorry at all rather had a cocky smirk on, while shrugging his shoulder as if saying don't blame me for staring.

Daryl didn't feel guilty for getting caught ogling his date was beautiful and had a young ripe body that was ready for plucking and from her shy attitude he believes her to be a virgin and Daryl found himself licking his lips at him being the first to go in there.

"You are stunning, "he whispered to his date drawing more of those sweet shy smiles from her before turning to give his key to the valet that arrived at their side.

Inside the beautiful establishment Evelyn tried acting like she belonged, like this wasn't her first time finding herself I such an expensive sophisticated environment, but she couldn't help stealing glances around while they followed one of the waiters to their table.

"Your table sir," said the waiter in a polite tone when we arrived.

"Thanks, " Daryl said pulling out a seat for his date.

Evelyn smiled at him before sitting down, then looking to her date as he took his own seat. Without words, we both went for the wine menu. Flipping it open, Evelyn just stared not recognizing any of the names on the menu, but she couldn't help widening her eyes when she saw the prices. Wow, she muttered beneath wanting to drop the menu as if scorched.

"Do you mind if I order for us?" Daryl asked looking up.

Evelyn quickly nodded his head dropping the menu.

The waiter leaned closer to glimpse the choice Daryl made before leaving to get the order.

Evelyn felt Daryl stare at her, "what?!" she asked looking up.

"You look very gorgeous tonight, " Daryl whispered, flashing his heart-stopping smile, that he knows always wins his women over and his date was no exception as he saw her react to his smile before looking down shyly.

Evelyn couldn't stand the naked desire in Daryl's eyes so she looked down the table blushing, luckily the waiter arrived with their wine dispersing the rising tension.

Daryl took the wine and uncorked it, amused by nervous look that appeared on his date face. "Nervous he asked pouring the wine into their glass.

Daryl question made Evelyn realize that she was actually nervous, this is her first date with a man of Daryl caliber. Most of the guys she has gone out with were just her mates and none has ever taken her to a place like this.

"A little," she mumbled with a smile taking her glass. She took a sip, she really couldn't identify the taste but it was nice. Taking more sips she looked up to find Daryl's eyes on her, the same look back in it like he wants to devour her whole. No one has ever looked at Evelyn like this, though it was making her a little nervous she liked it. It pleased her that a man like Daryl finds her attractive.

"Don't be, Daryl said holding her stare. Tell me about your boyfriend he said trying to get his date to relax.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Evelyn let out, feeling a little bit ashamed to admit that.

Daryl was not surprised by the young woman's answer, to tease her a little, he threw a look of disbelief, "I can't believe a woman as hot as you have not been claimed by anyone are the men around you blind," he muttered with a twinkle in his eyes.

Evelyn noticed that Daryl was teasing her and decided to return the favor. "Maybe I was waiting for you," she whispered boldly giving him a flirty look.

Daryl smirked at the young woman's boldness, so she is not as innocent as she looked.

"So how is the internship going?" He asked changing the subject without responding to my pathetic attempt at flirting.

He poured himself another drink, waiting for her response.

"I think the woman should have been a drill Sergeant with the way she barks out orders at people, Evelyn mumbled, making a funny face as she tried to mimic, causing her date to laugh which pleased Evelyn immensely.

We talked a little more about Evelyn before she dredged up the courage to ask the question she has wanted to ask since she met Daryl a few weeks ago.

"What happened between you and your wife?" Evelyn asked and knew immediately that she has blundered when his expression closed off.

"You ready to eat?" Daryl asked coldly sidestepping the question. He didn't want to discuss his wife that was off limit.

Evelyn stomach growled answering for her, making her flushed in embarrassment, while her date chuckled lightly and that dispersed the tension that arose from her question.

We ordered our dinner and throughout our meal, we talked and laughed, and Evelyn was happy to see him lose his earlier pensive mood.

By the time the evening drew to a close Evelyn was glad that there was no further mishap. It was a really good date, thought following Daryl out of the restaurant to the car.

"I don't want our evening to end yet," Daryl announced with a contemplative look on his face as they both sat in his car, he was trying for a way to convince the young woman into coming home with him.

"Me too" Evelyn quickly rejoined, having really enjoyed spending the evening with the man, she wouldn't mind extending their date.

Daryl was pleased with her answer as he smirked internally.

"Do you mind coming to my place for a cup of coffee?" He asked.

"Why not" Evelyn readily agreed to smile at him which he returned before leaning to peck her on the cheeks and without further words drove off.

Evelyn found out that he was living in an expensive penthouse, though the architecture was brilliant and beautiful the inside was sparsely decorated like it was a temporary arrangement. Evelyn was filled with curiosity but she restrained herself from asking any question.

Now the young woman was here Daryl needed to get her relaxed before furthering their evening to where he had been expecting it to go.

"Make yourself comfortable," he said, heading towards the kitchen to fetch them drinks.

Evelyn sat down on the black leather couch which dipped in with her weight,

and continued to glance around, taking in the little things in the room.

Daryl came back out bearing two glasses of wine, "why have coffee when we can have this sweet tasty wine" he said sitting beside her.

Evelyn flushed from his nearness, her nostrils assaulted by his manly scent. It wasn't bad. She took the drink he gave her and swallowed it at one go wondering why her throat felt so dry.

"You look hot, " in this dress Daryl complimented her inching closer, already feeling the embers of desire for the woman sitting beside him. He took the glass that was being clutched tightly in her hand placing it on the table, he took her by the jaw raising her face till he was looking into his eyes he leaned close and captured her lips.

A moan escaped Evelyn at the tender kiss, she responded her heart racing, as she moved her hands to his nape pulling him closer

Daryl desire mounted higher as he kissed the young woman, his cock rising in reaction to the press of her soft curves on him. He pushed her flat on the couch, covering her while he deepened the kiss.

Evelyn moaned when the kiss grew hotter, she knew she should stop before things get out of her hand but she was finding it very difficult to relinquish the lips kissing hers into submission. The impression of her dates sex on her thighs let Evelyn know is time to halt the whole thing or she will be sleeping with him this night, not that she didn't want to but it felt to soon.

"Stop!" Evelyn whispered, when he didn't stop she pleaded the more pushing at his chest to get him off her, but it was like pushing against the wall because the man above her wasn't bulging.

Daryl was carried away with the need to have the young woman laying beneath him that her words didn't penetrate his passion-filled haze, and when it did, he grew angry at the thought of the young woman deny him, after taunting him the whole evening. Not happening he thought he was taking her whether she likes it or not he thought with a determined look. He leaned down and gave her a hard bruising kiss before moving to her neck where he gave her hard bites while holding her hands hostage.

The look that appeared on Daryl's face when she pleaded for him to stop scared Evelyn and when he started kissing her hard, her fear mounted galvanizing her into action as she put up a struggle.

Her struggle pissed off the man above her that he was forced to hit her severally before tearing her clothes off, and grabbing her naked breast in hard bruising grip, causing the woman beneath him to scream out in pain.

Evelyn eyes grew wide with fear, her screams filled the room while she begged him to stop, when he leaned away to unbuckle his pants, Evelyn used that opportunity to kick him off her and made a dash for the door. She didn't get far before she was being tackled face down, her gown raised above her waist as the man forced himself into her tearing a painful scream from her throat as he roughly torn through her resistance. Evelyn wept bitterly as the man took her on the cold floor and when he was done he stood up, buckling back his pants and left the room without a words or a glance.

When Evelyn was done relating the story she looked up at the detective with tears running down her cheeks.

"So how did you meet this man?"
