
Not All Wood is Good

Stumping, no matter how you do it, is long, tedious, and dirty. Most of the reasons logging companies don't remove the stumps are related to those.

Oh, and while you get good wood if you stump immediately, there are easier ways of getting compost if it's been in the ground for a week or so.

And now, I wish to mention ants and shrews. Come now, can you not guess why? Ah, yes, both ARE burrowing animals. Both are small. Both are plentiful enough that I'd gotten evolutions from both of them. The earth was rich and full of bugs and worms, some of which, yes, I had to return to the wild. The rest became food.

My cart would hold two stumps, once I'd stripped the roots like branches. My inventory... didn't. I had to place in root lengths and chopped up sections of stump, and let the System Crafting have at making lumber. When it was too green, I hauled it back to town to dry in an otherwise idle room in my house.
