
Night of Sun

I was urinating in the river when they found me. A [Shadow Spirit 2] and a [Night Stalker 3]. The latter was much like Nightmare Man, a spirit I'd known in my first life. It was capable of taking physical form, doing physical damage.

<Child. > the Shadow said. <Unleash your charge, that we may sunder him.>

<Else, > the Night Stalker added, <we needs must rend your soul open and take him.>

See? This is but one of the reasons why no Truthspeaker should make deals with spirits.

<Asshole. > I said to Dawnflower, resting comfortably in my abdomen.

<I invoke rights of hospitality!> he demanded.

<Coward. > Shadow said.

<And fool as well. The child is only... oh...>

My mouth was open, the [Jaws of Wrath] around my tongue. A simple activation...

With spirits so strong, I barely needed any of my magical skills to track them. So I remained at the river, minding my own business.
