
Servant of the Axe - Hearth Week, part 1

Chapter Type: Versus Society and Environment

No matter how many times I pass out from my wounds, it always seems some idiot rolls me onto my back.  I evolved with my vulnerable chest… well, it was vulnerable back then.  But I evolved keeping my chest toward the ground.

Athal is free of burrowing terrors; I felt reasonably safe.

And, even though I knew that I'd improved my scales and armor since then (which someone had taken me out of), to my emotions, my instincts, being on my BACK, with my vulnerable belly upward?  It was worse than the fact that someone had stripped me naked except for a linen hospital gown.

I felt awful.  Cold, yet still sweating.

[Infection: Sheep Flu], my System informed me.  And it resisted the normal treatment of expending my Disease mana to fight the disease and then tapping the infection site for Disease mana. 

I did, however, have enough energy to get up, stumble to the center of my tent, and take a ladle of water.
