
Servant of the Axe - Girdle Sewers

Chapter Type: Conflict (versus others, social)

[Spell: Spirit Ward has been acquired]

It had better be a powerful spell; it had taken every point of four different cultivation methods.  On the plus side, salt was common.

"Hey, we can enter the sewers now.  I can create an actual Ghost Ward."

"Or not." Said Kismet.

"Do these ghosts possess treasure?" Madonna asked.

"A valid concern." Gamilla said.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Pass." Each of them said in the same order.

"Okay, I'll just do recon tonight, and come get you if they actually have treasure."

"Sounds like a better plan than getting all smelly for nothing." Kismet said.

Well, I suppose I couldn't blame them.  Ghosts aren't easy to dispose of, or else they would be.  Ghostslayer is a profession for a reason.

And, I had no clue how powerful these three actually were.  Ten percent of a major spirit was still a lot.
