
Servant of the Axe, 81 - Wooden Throne

Chapter Type:  Character Development, Passive Event

I won't list every case here, but let me make it plain; a muster can be serious clerical work.

"Ollog, tell the people who just want to report in to come directly to me, we don't need them waiting in line on those with requests to be excused."

Again, this was the wrong thing to say. It was an hour before the swarm became a line, and even then, it wasn't orderly. I was busy and had a line out the door until nearly dusk, when people stopped coming.

"Well." Victor said. "I think that was a productive day, how about you?"

I looked over to him with bleary eyes. "Your jarl asks that you show up with your axe and two days of food, outside the north gate by dawn of this Envyday."

He chuckled. "Yes, it was a great help. How many do we have on the rosters?"
