
chapter 20: A dual instead of a battle?

it only had been about 17 hours and I have not slept a single second as I watch over the horizon standing on the Watchtower with Luna by my side. we stand there quietly as we saw what seemed to be torches out in the distance that were most likely the bandits. all the bodies that were in the main pile room were already animated. and we're manning the walls the living were still inside the fort sleeping. I looked over to Luna with a nod she grabbed an arrow and shot the Bell with a blunt Arrow to ringgit this would wake up most of the living residence of this Village. I soon heard noise coming from the 4th men wearing leather armor and bits of metal they look like they were ready for a fight and the goblins who was still within our town were ready for a fight as well. the shaman Was preparing spells that would buff the soldiers I received a new notification. though this notification caught me completely by surprise.

" the enemy forces are sending a messenger towards the fort. also now the percentage of Victory as 100% minimize casualties are now to 2% of the living population. the chances of the enemy surrender 85%. counting enemy forces they are 50 someone experienced Fighters very few bows they also seem to be carrying ladders. analyzing their species diversity one elf 2 Dwarfs 1 orc remainer human. permission to go into a detailed scan."

I didn't speak all I thought of was granted and then I could hear system Start begin making sounds again. meanwhile someone on Horseback Road up to the Fortress and began shouting.

" we know this place have Bandits amongst you all we challenged your Chieftain to Do-arl."

I looked over to Luna and she smiled. as she would look over to me and speak.

" looks like our luck hasn't run out he basically just challenged you to a duel. well not this man pacifically but their Chieftain."

I looked at her calmly as she can tell I wanted specifics of what this pertains.

" well Lord Jack the right they just inact is the rights of two Chieftains entering a dual against one another whoever wins gain control over the losers Bandit camp. this right is one of the few things all Bandits stick to. no matter the history between the two tribes or this is how the last few Bandit Kings were created by this right."

I smiled as I would shout to the man on the horse and as my voice reached him he looked directly at me. he could see my black armor and what seems to be a Dwarven blade on my back. he looked very serious as he listened to my words.

" I accept your challenge we will meet in the field ahead from this Fortress."

he seems to like the answer I gave as he nodded and rode away I looked over to Luna with a smile as I would speak.

" well tell everyone what is happening and make sure no one interferes. is there any rules I should know about?."

as me and Luna began walking down the stairs she would speak I would listen very carefully.

" yes there are a few rules most of them basic like no one may interfere in this right besides the two Chiefs. if a sheath is unable to fight such as sickness and I are things they may choose a champion from their tribe but they must be one of their best warriors. second there are no restrictions to equipment besides no poison or mind manipulation Magic or any magic that can Faithfully take control of the other Chieftain then you will have to wait for your opponents to be ready. also no magic is permitted before the agreed dual commences such as other people using magic to enhance the strength of a Chieftain before the battle. you are allowed to use attack Magic and defense Magic and even can heal yourself. but magic such as summoning creatures to fight by your side will be not be allowed. though any perks you have received from your familiars will be not counted as summoning Aid since they are from your contract. and besides all that there is one rule that has always remained true no matter the circumstances and even a tire tribes have turned on their Chieftains for breaking this one rule. that rule is do not disrespect the Dead Chieftain whoever it may be. those smack talk is allowed but only while your opponent is alive."

I nodded as I began making my way towards the front gate as many of the living people were confused on what's going on some of the necromancers even to. Luna spoke up loud and proud.

" all right everyone it seems like the Bandit Chief has declared a duel to our Lord Jack. as you will know a dual declared by a Bandit it is one of the few things they hold a seacret so we do not have to worry about them doing anything underhanded. if you have any questions about the Pacific's ask me or one of the others such as Helder Drake or Leo we used to be Bandits until we met Lord Jack so we know the Traditions best. meaning everyone does not have to fight necromancer's please deactivate any traps that you have out in the field that is where Lord Jack has declared where he was and their Chieftain will be having their duel. "

this seems to make a lot of people believe that they wouldn't have to fight but then I had a notification popped up.

" many of the villagers seem to not trust the people Luna has mentioned now they have they have learned more about their past. though this is only a five-point decrease into their relationship which Wilson change after you win your chances of victory given the information we currently have or 95% chance of victory and the case of any race but the orc in the case of the Orc is a 80% chance. of victory. Orcs Army me incapable of using magic like all the other races me and you have an edge over them and the terms of that Orcs are easier to anger meaning they're easy to manipulate do many Orcs have trained to be list easily manipulated."

as I read the notification I smiled as another notification would pop up specifically a quest just been added.

" congratulations The Duel of the Bandit King part 1 Quest has been added to your quest log objective eliminate the enemy Chieftain. reward 49 additional soldiers will be added to your army. and more information about the other Bandit tribes. you have already agreed to the terms of the duel."

I had a great big Smile as I looked at that notification I may have been reincarnated into this world but seem like the people here are a lot more honorable than they were back home even my family. this would also increase my population of living soldiers which in itself the prospect of made me extremely happy. as I walked out the front gate and started heading towards the field as I noticed the necromancers were chanting something most likely removing at the traps we had placed on the field we had of time. the notification for the traps being removed at least the magic ones being removed popped up. I stood on the outskirts of the village waiting for whoever was the chieftain to approach me. a few hours had passed before I saw anyone start approaching me. it was actually a rather large. dwarf who approached me though he was wielding a battle axe and he was carrying it over his shoulder the blade had just about half a foot away from resting completely on his shoulder. I looked at the door analyzing his armor it looked me mainly comprised of leather but they were metal plates mainly over his shoulders knees and his chest the rest with leather. after a few seconds I would spoke up.

"are you my opponent?"

the dwarf laughed with a smile he looked me over and then he would speak.

" yes that would be my but I'm not your opponent I'm your executioner."

I couldn't help but laugh then I heard the voice of system. and I could tell this dwarf couldn't see her.

" your chances of winning are 90% I have analyzed your opponent I've noticed some old injuries near his right side above his waist there is another over his just where his heart is. the last injury is where the waste is. striking one of these old injuries will increase your chances of victory by 5% striking two of them will guarantee. you will win"

I smiled as I pulled my great sword from its Scabbard. and got into a position to bike that I did not make any movements.

" well I'm ready when you are."

the dwarfs smiled as he pulled the battle axe into both of his hands. he would seem like he had a very firm grip around it. he would then begin charging directly at me. he first meanest swing towards see my neck. with a smile I simply jump back dodging the attack and then charged forward swinging towards his waist to wear the leather was considering he only had metal plates covering his shoulders chest area and legs though there weren't completely made out of metal Place most of it was made with leather. I watched for a notification as I landed the hit to his waist moving it the gliding it across his body all the way to the other sideof him until I hit the metal plate and then I would move back into a defensive position. and with a smile I saw the notification saying I had landed a hit against one of his Old Wounds now my chances of Victory where 95%. I looked at the dwarf as he clinched the old wound. with one hand. do I start to see red energy and another notification popped up.

" warning opponent using Magic!!"

before I could realize anything his wounds started to heal and he appeared right in front of me I quickly moved my blade to block his attack. as the two metal weapons class I smiled as I began to Electrify my great sword with the two metal weapons clashing the electricity would go through my weapon into his and then electrocute him slightly because of his metal gauntlets. then I would take my left hand off of my weapon aiming it directly towards the door and spoke.

" lightning

lightning was a new spell I had a acquired after using my shock spell 500 times and had mastered it. so it only did 10 points of damage extra compared to the master shock rank spell but it had a bonus against armored units. and had a higher chance of paralyzing someone. in comparison to master rank shock spell. as soon as I spoke with spell a bolt of lightning came from my hand and blasted the door a few feet away though he was still standing he was still in quite a bit of pain. I breathed in and out as I waited for him to try something keeping my left hand out so I could use spell. the dwarf charged at me though he was much slower than he was before. as the dwarf took a swing I blocked it with my electrified Greatsword which just like before slightly electrocuted the dwarf. then with a smile I raise one finger towards the Dwarf.

" necrotic blast"

this spell basically creating a ball of necrotic energy and launched it at your opponent and this ball of necrotic energy would explode after contact was made and It did make contact with the dwarf launching him further but he started to cough up blood. I quickly charged at him and aim for his neck with the amount of damage that he took. he was too slow and he lost his head as it fall off of his shoulders necrotic blast cannot raise the Dead which was the main reason I chose it. as I looked over to his Bandits they all seem to kneel before me has a notification popped up.

" congratulations the Bandit tribe of Ironside has joined your army!!"

before I could say anything or even think to another notification had popped up.

" congratulations the people of your village have grown more loyal to you you have perfect relationship with everyone currently a part of your village. they will no longer question your choices believing you know what's best and believing in your decisions."

my eyes widened at the second notification this caught me completely by surprise I wasn't expecting a dual to do this for my side. I guess I have to learn more about this. then I saw the Bandit from before the one on Horseback Gallop towards me. he spoke loud and proud he seemed very excited.

" well Lord Jack you are now the leader of our tribe perhaps this will go down as history as a new Bandit King has begun to rise. what are your command?."

I stayed silent for a moment as I placed one hand against my chin after a few moments I spoke calmly.

" gather any resources you can from your old camp and bring them to the village and make sure your old Chieftain get the proper burial. after that report to my second-in-command Leo any take his advice about helping any of the town after all I do plan on making an empire."

he nodded as he would get off of his horse grabbing it by its leash and giving me the leash and he would speak.

" as you wish my Lord and this horse is now yours."

I would not as I got onto the horse and began Galloping towards the village I had shaved my Greatsword as I looked back I saw that one band of heading back towards the others and they seem to be moving outward towards where they came from. I smiled as when I start to enter the town I was greeted by the entire Village cheering. honestly it made me blush a little bit to hear so many people sharing that I have one and they were happy to see me. Leo's stepped up onto a platform and talk will everyone seemed to calm down with their excitement to hear what he had to say.

" well Lord Jack congratulations on defeating that Chieftain now what have you given to be the orders to the bandits that will be joining us and I believe Luna is waiting for you on top the Watchtower."

I looked up towards the Watchtower seeing her and I would speak calmly to Leo making sure all of the townspeople hear.

" they're going to dismantle their olscamp and bring the resources here we could use of resources to help expand after that I will need you to find out what you could use their labor to help out the best rather it be Construction or simply scouting out and I think for every Goblin who is coming to the aid of this Village. even if a battle did not happen you have my gratitude."

I got off the horse and handed it to Leo who could tell what I was thinking as luck would speak up with a smile patting me on the back.

" no problem glad to be of help to you friend we always got your back."

I nodded as I began making my way to the Fortress so I can head up to the Watchtower but by the time I got to the door leading to the stairway of the Watchtower Luna was standing there.

" hey Luna you will need..."

before I could say a word Luna jumped on semi her arms wrapping around my neck and she kissed me very passionately as I would kiss back with the same kind of passion. I'll be blushing very heavily as when she broke the kiss she stared into my eyes. she then spoke with a very loving tone.

" I am glad you're still alive now I believe the townsfolk made you your own personal quarters in the Fortress how about we get used to sleeping in the same bed?"

my face went to a Scarlet shade of blush and I could see there with some blush on her face as would then begin to drag me to the quarters before I could say any words.

there you go it took about 20 chapters to get some real romance going but I hope you enjoyed it all the same

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The_Abyssal_seercreators' thoughts