
13. Judgement Day, Lockhart!

I hummed a happy tune as we made our way to Lockharts class. It's almost end of second year, so I decided to execute my plan to expose Lockhart.

"Why are you so happy?" Asked a confused Neville. Hermione and Harry, who knew me quite well, knew that I was about to do something absurd again.

"Neville, my friend, you'll receive your answer tomorrow. All you need to know now, is that good things will happen. And good changes will take place." I gave an evil grin that made my friends back away from me.

"A-Alright." Neville stuttered.

"Children, welcome! Come in, come in!" The bald blondy welcomed us into his class, not knowing that it'll be his demise.

How I pitty you, Lockhart. Not because of what you'll experience from tomorrow onwards, but because of your greed for attention.

[Keep up the wise man act, and I'll give you a Mission that you'll regret.]

I thought that you couldn't give Missions on your own accord?

[I can't, but it still shut you up.]

As a certain one eyed secret agent once said; motherfucker.

~After Class~

"Alright, see you tomorrow kids! And don't forget to read through chapter 5 of Wondering with Werewolves." Lockhart said to the kids as they left the class.

"You guys go on, I'll catch up." I said to my friends. They knew I was up to something, so they left without a word.

"Professor Lockhart, can I talk with you for a bit. That is, if you don't mind." I asked Lockhart.

I hate being up close to Lockhart, because with my enhanced senses, I could literally smell the jealousy rolling. He's been jealous of me for quite some time, because I received almost all attention from everyone in Hogwarts.

My Charisma was so high, that everyone practically kept tabs on anything related to me. Even the ghosts and tapestries pay attention to me. I would've gladly given Lockhart the attention aimed at me, only if it weren't for his attention-seeking personality.

"Not at all, my dear Luxion. We can talk in my office." He said as he swollowed his jealousy down his throat and led me towards his office.

His office had new posters of him that didn't have doodles on their faces. Although I could've still doodled them, it will no longer be necessary after today.

"So, what would you like to talk about?" He asked as he sat down. I secretly froze and wiped the memories of the posters watching us.

"You see, Professor, I have this mirror that I wanted to give you for christmas. Unfortunately, I couldn't give it you then, so I thought today would be the perfect time to give it to you." I said innocently as I showed him MOP. As the fool he was, he quickly looked into the mirror before his eyes went dull.

Another nifty function of MOP, it allows the user to control the soul of the victim. Controlling the soul is like a higher version of controlling the mind.

"When you hear me say the words 'Break Hypnosis', you will wake up after 30 seconds have passed. Do you understand?"

"Yes... I understand..." Lockhart replied. He looked like a doll without strings, very lifeless.

"Great, when you leave this state, you will feel a strong need to report to the Ministry of Magic about all of your crimes and you will show them evidence of what you've done. You'll find all of the evidence on your desk and you won't question how it got there. Do you understand?"

"Report crimes... show evidence... don't question... I understand..."

"The longer you take to report yourself, the more the urge grows. You will also come up with an excuse for the reason of your self-report. Do you understand?"

"I understand..."

"Also, you will not remember that I've called you out to talk. You won't remember me even being in your office, it'll be as if I left the class with my friends. Do you understand?"

"I understand..."

I smiled widely at my work. If everything goes as planned, he should report himself tonight at the latest.

"Break Hypnosis." I said before I ran out of his office and followed my friends.

Now you're probably wondering, Luxion, why don't you hypnotise some hot chicks? Firstly, I'm not that kind of person. Secondly, that's sick. Thirdly, that's disgusting. Fourthly, I'll probably do that with evil people. Fifthly, I don't need to use MOP in order to hypnotise. Lastly, there aren't much hot chicks in the wizarding world.

I'll probably hypnotise some evil hot chicks in other worlds, just to fulfil my evil desires. I mean, there's plenty of evil chicks in anime, I'll probably hypnotise an evil anime chick.

~Next Day~

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table while reading the Daily Prophet with a hidden smile on my face.

Lockhart actually self-reported and he gave a reason as well. He 'apparently' felt that it was wrong of what he did. The Daily Prophet gave all of the evidence of his past crimes, he unfortunately escaped right after his self-report.

But the best part? I made the evidence put some pressure on Twinkledore. I mean, who in their right mind would want a mind wiping lunatic teaching children how to defend against dangerous dark creatures that they might encounter in their life?

Now, not only is Lockhart a wanted criminal, but Dumbledork's reputation has been stained for allowing Lockhart inside Hogwarts.

"Revenge is sweet, but watching you dig your own grave is even sweeter." I mumbled under my breath. Naturally, my friends heard me, but they didn't bother with it.

Although I was the one in charge of the Hogwarts wards, I purposefully put the blame on Twinkles.

I looked at the teachers table and I saw Twinkles with a calm face, but just glancing into his mind, I found that he was screaming his brains out in anger. The other professors had surprised faces, but only Selene had a smile. She gave me a thumbs up, which I returned.

'Tonight, we celebrate. Make sure to put on your sexiest lingerie. You're not getting any sleep tonight.' I sent a telepathic message to Selene. She blushed and nodded her head.

[Completed Mission: Reveal Gilderoy Lockhart's Crimes!]

[Received Rewards: 10x Lottery Tickets!]

Thanks Liz, I'll check them out later though. For now, let's change my perspective to Clone 6.

I closed my eyes and my senses were synced with Clone 6, which was a clone stalking Lockhart from the shadows. Lockhart was currently wearing a cloak that covered his whole body, leaving no gap for others to peek through.

He was speed walking down Knockturn Alley, and he looked quite scared. I couldn't blame him, that place is creepy and full of suspicious people. The creepiness added to the fact that he's a wanted criminal must have put him on edge.

Oh... He got cornered by some shady guys.

"Hello there, why don't you hang with us? I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time." Creep 1 said.

"N-No thanks, I'm quite busy right now." Lockhart said as he tried to leave, only to get blocked by another creep.

"Bless my soul, ain't you that Lockhart guy? This'll make it more fun." Creep 2 said.

I'm getting a bad feeling...

[Me too.]

The creeps quickly disarmed Lockhart, used silence charm on him and dragged him into a small alley. Then they did something I never expected, 4 creeps held down Lockhart and turned him around while the other creep pulled down his own and Lockhart's pants.


I screamed to my clone who immediately ran while trying to ignore the moans of pleasure behind him. I disconnected our sync, stood up from my seat and left the hall.

I skipped school the entire day because I was too disturbed by what I saw. Sometimes, having hyperthermysia memory was the worst.

A few days later, I checked up on Lockhart, and he became a broken meat toilet. He no longer had any expression on his face, and his eyes were dull as if he lost all life. I Kinda felt sorry for him, but I shoved that to the back of my mind.
