

Previously on Avenging Angels

Chris is called down to be present during cutting the cake. Iris reminds her sisters to be in their respective positions. An unexpected guest arrives to crash the party.


The pain in your heart is far much deeper than the pain in your body. The wound in your body could be healed with ointment and the perfect amount of drugs but for the wound in your heart, it would take a miracle to heal without leaving an everlasting scar.

I think I was about fifteen years old when Lorenzo told us a story one night. We all thought that it was a story he made up from his head just to entertain us but we later realized that it was actually the story of his life.

We all gathered in the living room, wearing our pajamas and clutching a bowl of popcorn in our hands as we settled in the longest couch in the room.

As usual, I was close to Lorenzo who was seating at the edge of the black silk couch, sporting his black satin pajamas that I got for him on his birthday so he could stop using his suits to sleep.

My sisters and I were putting on identical pajamas that Lily got for us last year's Christmas with matching fluffy slippers. Mine was red, Lily's was white and Iris's was blue.

Today was movie night, a night that Lily constructed for family time because lately, we've all been too busy to spend time with one another due to work and school.

"I am so excited!!!" Lily jumped on the couch as the movie came on.

As I was about focusing on the movie, popcorn began hitting my face and I turned to glare at the opponent who was attacking. He gave me sheepish smile and popped a corn into my mouth.

"Quit that!" I remarked and hit his hand but I was immediately shushed by my sisters.


I looked over to Lorenzo and he swiped his hand over his mouth, indicating for me to be quiet and I shut my mouth but the glare in my eyes didn't give up that easily.

Lorenzo wrapped his arm on my shoulder as the first scene of the movie came up and we all concentrated on the TV.

Suddenly, the TV went into a black screen and the whole house followed in its suit and took off absolutely dark.

Lorenzo quickly turned on his flashlight and Lily sulked down the couch with a pout.

"Why now?! Why today?! Why me?!" she groaned dramatically.

The bodyguards who were in black suits, busted through the doors, holding torches and stood in front of us as straight as their training built them up.

"Sir, we apologize for the little inconvenience, the whole neighborhood is in a complete blackout. We will be sure to rectify the situation as soon as possible" The captain of the team, Dave, spoke.

"OK, try as quickly as you can to solve this. Dave, go with one of your men and the rest of your, back to your positions" Lorenzo ordered.

"Yes, sir!" They all chanted and left the house as their boss commanded.

"So what are we going to do before then?" Iris asked and we all looked at one another for an answer.

"I'm going to bed. My mood has been ruined" Lily pouted and stood up to leave.

"Sit down, Lily. It will only be a matter of time before power is restored" Lorenzo held her wrist and she sat down with a sigh.

A sudden idea came to my mind and I smiled.

"Lolo, tell us a story" I grinned and he grumbled.

"No, I am not a storyteller. Let's find something else to do" he said and we all began to groan childishly out loud.

"Come on!"

"Don't be such a Grinch!"

"Do it already!"

We protested, shaked his arm until he finally agreed, although reluctantly.

"Fine, Fine. God, you're so persistent" he sighed in dismay.

"Gather around" he said and we quickly scrambled and surrounded him, letting him be in the spotlight.

"I am not good at this but here goes nothing"

"Once upon a time" he started.

"Time, time, time" Lily echoed.

"There was a boy"

"Boy, boy, boy" Lily echoed again and we all turned to glare at her.

"What? Just adding some fun" she shrugged.

"He was about-"


"About, about, about"

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed.

"Stop that, will you?" Iris slapped her shoulder and Lily laughed out loud.

"OK, OK. I will stop!" She promised and he continued from where he stopped, after shaking his head.

"The boy was about ten years or so. Vibrant, cheerful and optimistic. Although his family was richer than most of his counterparts, he was still as humble towers his peers as his mother taught him to be. One day, a family came to his house to have dinner and his father introduced them as his new partners in his business"

"Although, he didn't really like the matriarch of that family, he remained polite throughout the dinner and only spoke when he was spoken to, like the obedient child he was. Days passed after that night that proved to be a life changing disaster for him, his father's company sales gradually began to diminish while the stress his father experienced, increased day by day"

"One stormy night, his father went out to fix the problem in the company and promised the little boy that he would be back to tell him a bedtime story but sadly, he never came back. The boy waited and waited for his father, clutching the storybook tightly to his chest as he fell asleep with his father in his mind. The next morning, the ambiance of the house was enough to figure out what happened to the head of the mansion"

"The boy cried and wailed over his father's sudden and suspicious passing but what made him even more miserable was that the day after his father's funeral, he didn't see his mother again and the last memory he had of his mother was when she was in her room, drawing rose petals on the wall while humming a light tone but before he could ask her what's wrong, the maid took the little prince out of the room..." he paused.

"What happened to his mother?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"She was trapped in a deep, dark tunnel that no one could rescue her from" he said grimly.

"What happened to the little boy?" Lily asked, all her attention drawn towards Lorenzo.

"He lived alone in the huge mansion and grew up to be a ruthless persona, he still often stares at the window, wondering if he would ever see his mother again"

"Ugh!!! that's such a lame and sad story. I mean, no falling in love with a magical princess or something?" Iris rolled her blue eyes and sighed.

"Shut up! Not everyone is a diehard cliche stan like you!!" Lily scoffed.

"At least, I am not a color riot monster like somebody I know" Iris retorted.

"I wore green and orange for one day-"

Iris and Lily continued their bickering in the background and I took the chance to look at Lorenzo who had a small smile on his lips but in his eyes, I saw despondency with unkempt tears hidden behind those shining orbs.

And I knew it was never a fiction, it was his true life story.


After Brad was finally done with his overwhelmingly boring and obviously scripted speech, he took the knife, about to cut the cake in front of him when a loud clap came from somewhere in the hall.

Everyone's heads turned, looking for the unwelcomed intruder with the same confused expression.

Lorenzo Roderic Lentino Cantos.


Sorry, I didn't update as promised. Please forgive me, I am just so busy these days and I am helping out my sister for her book by editing her chapters which she needs by the end of this month so near with me if I am late in updating.

how did you like this chapter?!!!

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Love from Queen.

QueenRani6creators' thoughts