

Mark's POV

I woke up early to cook for breakfast. We have maid here but I want to cook since it will be my last time cooking here. This is the last time I can use this kitchen of ours since I will be staying at my new school. The school has a dormitory so the students can stay there for the whole semester, and as for me who likes to cook, this is like stopping a hobby out nowhere, I just hope that the school's dormitory has a kitchen or just even a stove that I can cook on.

Our maid showed up beside on the kitchen and she told me to wake up my siblings first. I have four siblings, all male, I'm the youngest. I walked into my brother Hal's room since out of the three; he's the easiest to wake up, just a tap and some moving will do. I entered on my brother's room and started tapping his face face to wake him up.

"Hey bro, wake up" I called.

"20 minutes" he said.

"Okay, let me just put a timer above your face" I said boredly. I released some water from my hands place it above his face, letting it float, I timed the water ball with 20 minutes, and in that exact moment the water timer above his face will pop. When he felt the water timer above his face, he stood up while dodging the water timer. With one snap of his fingers he let the water timer vanish into thin air.

"Okay, I'm awake. Get out and I'll get ready and bath" he said while forcing a grin. He said that almost the same way as mine, but his voice has more life than mine, I nodded at him and walked my feet outside his room.

If you're wondering how I did that, I am not normal, WE are not normal. We are the four gifted siblings, the chosen ones that are destined to save this world from evil destruction. Cliché isn't it? But it's true, we can control all of the elements, but as an all element controller we have one major element that we have more control on, mine is air.

We're not the only ones who have this type of abilities. Many people have these abilities but we're the only ones that can control all eight elements. The air, fire, earth, water, ice, electricity, metal, light, dark and mind and matter.

Those who have mind elements like telepathy, mind reading and telekinesis belonged to the mind and matter element, which is peculiar out of the eight elements.

Hal Joshua Martinez is an all element controller major in water element. He can control the element of water much easier than the rest of the elements but it doesn't mean he can't control the other elements. He just better control of it. He's 24 years old already and has work from a famous company on the human world. I care less on his work that I don't know what it is called. I entered the next room, Jay's room.

I'll be taming a dragon here, a baby dragon to be specific. Jayden Gray Martinez is an all element controller major in fire, he's already 22 years old and also working God knows what. I named him a dragon because of his major element and a baby because of he is soft. I frowned. He's a cringe worthy brother, he likes skin ship a lot, which gave me goose bumps every time I he'll do it. I thought a lot of ways to wake this guy up, luckily I thought a better way. I poked his face a lot, testing if this guy will wake up, minutes passed but no avail.

"Bro, I'll count up to three. Rise up or else, I'll do something you'll regret!" I taunted on my brother's sleeping figure. This guy didn't budge and continued to lie on his bed, I know that this guy is already awake, I've been doing this for years now, he can't fool me.

"Okay, still try to play deaf and I'll pour a pitcher of cold water on your bed" I said with my emotionless tone, and the soft Jayden Gray stood up from his bed, he knows when I speak that way I'll do what I said, no matter what it is.

"Rising" he said in his morning voice while rubbing both of his foxy small eyes. I walked out inside his room and walked to the next room where my deep sleeping brother is lying. I entered Mike's room.

Michael Zachary Martinez is an all element controller major in nature element. He's 20 years old and is now on his second year college with a course of architecture. He got his scholarship on a big and promised him more advance teaching on his course, so he transferred there just this year. Without fully entering his room I already foresaw his position, his head is on the end while his feet are on the front of the headrest where his head is supposed to be, and telling you a more weird thing, he is facing his bed sheet. He's the literal chopper on bed.

I stepped closer toward my sleeping brother and lay on his back, I know this might seen as rude but this is the only way to wake a Mike Zachary Martinez from his bed, he moved and these movements of him said it all. He felt the heaviness, of course I have muscles it's given that I'm heavy.

"Mark! Get off! You're heavy!" he groaned with his husky morning voice. I stayed on his back not hearing his calls. What he said is basically not what I want to hear so I did not get off, his sentence is missing something.

"Okay, okay! I will get up and get ready" he said, pissed. As soon as he finished his sentence I got from his back, and like what he said he got ready and took a bath,

I stepped out of his room and walked towards my own room. I readied my bag that's full of my own clothes. I readied some of my clothes that I will use for today. I removed my own clothes and got my towel then took off on the shower and bath. As I finished showering and putting on some clothes, I got my bag full of my own clothes with me as I exited my room. I placed my bag on the sofa on the livingroom and walked into the kitchen to eat some breakfast.

My brothers and my Dad is already here. Even though my brothers woke up late, they move fast. I began eating my breakfast silently while they are chatting about me leaving. I will not say it and hate the fact of it but I can't deny that I will miss my dorky brothers.

"Are you ready for your new school, son?" Dad asked me.

"Yes Dad" I said timidly. He sighed but chose to speak up again, "Have a great year there son, and please control yourself".

"I hope so Dad" I said coldly and timidly.

"As much as possible, avoid fighting. I sent you there to train yourself for self defense and study, not to brawl. Are we clear?" I nodded silently and chose not to answer.

I was transferred because of the reason I once punched a bully at my school, I can't seem take what he was saying, I am just adopted because I don't look the same as my brothers? Bullshit!

I lost my temper and punched this bully, he fell on the ground unconscious. They hurriedly brought him on the school clinic with literal broken face.

The school called Dad as soon as they heard the news. The students became scared of me because of what I did, the strength of my punch was not normal that it scared the shit out of the whole campus. Now, I'm called as the monster in my own school. The bully was on the hospital, comatose, but Dad took care of all the expenses and medications. Call me lucky that the school year is ending that decided to let me finish my year there before sending me off to another school Dad enrolled me in.

"Mark. Mark. MARK!" my older brother Hal called me that made me came back to reality. I did not notice that I had fallen deep in my own thoughts.

"You okay?" You're spacing out" I just nodded as an answer.

"Is there a problem Mark?" Jayden asked, glancing me with eyes full of worry.

"I'm okay, don't worry" I answered in a cold tone. I focused to not play my own food and eat as fast as possible.

We finished eating our breakfast and now we're already outside of our house as I'm currently putting my bag at the compartment of Dad's car. When I was finished I turned around and sat on the shotgun seat. Dad also entered on the driver's seat and is now turning his car's engine. I bid goodbye to my brothers that's also busy on their own cars. They wave their goodbyes at me and entered on their own cars.

We're already hours on the road and only trees are the only thing that my eyes can see. Where are we going? Why is it that only tall tree is all I can see? Don't tell me that my school is located inside a forest. I know that this school is giving exclusive education for gifted people like me. But is it a bit too much that it is located in a middle of a forest, it is not practical at all.

"Dad, are we there yet?" I asked that with a crunched forehead.

"Yes Mark, we're almost there. You seem impatient? Excited?" he asked with a playful tone. I frowned. My Dad is also annoying, though his the father of my annoying older brothers of course they share the same genes. I face palmed while sighing.

"I'm not excited. It's just that I'm bored seeing all those tress, plus my butt is already painful from all the sitting" I said coldly. He chuckled while I frowned. I didn't speak on the passing minutes and just waited till we arrived, we stopped in front of a huge gate, it is made of steel with black paint, also with silver and gold sculpting designs. A guard walked near us and Dad handed him something. The guard signed his comrade to let us in, we waited till the gate is wide open before we entered, a minute later a mansion came into view. Their is a mansion standing tall at the right side of our view.

Seriously! Mansion? My school is a mansion?

Is it really a school? Isn't it too big for a school? It even looked like a mansion or something like that. I faced my dad with full of confusion.

"Is this really a school?" I asked my Dad with a scrunched forehead with full of confusion and doubts but it didn't hide my natural cold tone. Who will even make a mansion like school inside a forest far from the civilization. It is not practical at all, seriously!

"Yes Mark. This is your new school. Isn't it amazing?" he answered then asking me a question with full gladness . What the hell?!

"Dad are you serious?" I coldly asked.

"Of course I'm serious" he answered with full confidence. Is this really my new school? I feel uncomfortable. We come closer and closer to this mansion like school Dad has been saying

"Wait 'til you meet the people inside. We need to go to the principal's office first" he said. Oh! He's seriously serious. We got off from the car and started walking towards principal's office.

When we entered the double doors, that's when I lost it. There is a freaking chandelier and the floor is fucking carpeted! The interior design reminds of something that Mike has designed. The interior is amazing.

"Dad spill it. This is not a school. Chandelier? Carpeted floors? You gotta be kidding me" I said coldly with full of doubts of course.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" he meaningfully said. I sighed of what he said and just let my eyes wander through the whole place. Is this really a school? We entered in a double door again and there we saw a woman sitting on a swivel chair facing her back on us.

"Good morning Principal Judith" Dad greeted the principal with such joyful tone. The principal turned to meet us with her smile. His heart shaped face is small with a sandy blonde hair complimenting her white complexion.

"Good morning Rio" she greeted back my father. I suppose that they knew each other. Dad and his "connections".

"Please, have a seat" she said then motioning us to the chairs in front of us

"So, is he your youngest?" she asked. I shrug my shoulders at her question.

"Yes" a small answer by my very own father with full of confidence. Maybe it's not obvious since my father has this handsome face that can still catch the hearts of women even in younger years, sadly my Dad is not planning o remarrying any time soon. My hairstyle is weird since it's long that it covered my whole eyes. My bangs reached the tip of my nose, explaining why they always doubt me as his son. But I couldn't care much. I love my look and my hair. And I'm more comfortable on not showing my whole face.

"Where is his Mark?" she asked my Dad. Wait a minute, mark what? Mark? I looked at them; confusion is painted on my whole face. What mark are they talking about?
