
Other branches (1)

That sounds like you are saying that I can't go back home today. I thought only the first evolution was problematic.

<Generally it is. However, your first evolution was a bit to peaceful. We want to be sure. And you can go home today, just come back after your family goes to bed.>

Then why can't I leave?

<Sigh, with all that has happened with lord Winter, Valeria is currently in no working condition. Jade is also unable to work due to her mental state. So we borrowed two members from other branches. You and Edward are currently the only ones who can welcome them and Edward isn't an ideal choice.>

What about you?

<I am the company's means of internal communication. I know everyone and talk to them regularly. I thought it would be more welcoming for them to meet someone new.>

I guess that makes sense. Are they here yet?

<Jake's down in the lobby, Rani went to visit Valeria despite me telling her to come here first. Sigh, that skill is so troublesome.>

I feel like this reeks of trouble. Can we really just borrow members of other branches? Aren't they needed there? And how come this is the first time I hear of us having branches?

<We usually keep the branches a secret from newer members in case they betray us. Their existence was really always insinuated. Why else would we call this place headquarters if it was the only place? As for borrowing members, Jake is weak and they can easily do without him. Rani is a pretty big thing but Valeria helps them out whenever Rani goes out of commission so they kind of owe us.>

If Rani goes out of commission regularly, should we be depending on her?

<Her issue… her condition only flares up at set intervals.>

That condition being?

<Why don't you ask her that yourself. It's a personal issue.>

Alright then, I guess I'll go say hi to this Jake. Anything you can tell me about him?

<He's new, even for your standards. Off to a bad start, had multiple breakdowns, now he's alright but still weak. If you could maybe take some time and use your cheat on him that would be much appreciated.>

What do you mean use my cheat? Am I just an ATM for stronger monsters to you?

<Did I mention that you'd be paid?>

I will do my best! Will that be cash or credit?

<How about advanced training and gear?>

Does that include magic?

<Yes, but please remember that you will have trouble switching. Also, we really need to work on figuring out your build.>

My build?

<Humans have classes, those classes largely dictate the skills they can learn. Monsters don't really have that. Most monsters just learn skills by necessity or within the restrictions of their species. For us, our human minds allow us to gain a multitude of skills and we tend to become weak generalists. Therefore, we focus on builds, skill combinations that create synergies and make us strong.>

So what is your build?

<I am a magic controller build.>

So you mainly use magic and focus more on controlling the battlefield?

<Generally, yes. The problem is of course that we often fight alone so I also have melee and healing skills. A build isn't meant to restrain you, it just means to guide your primary efforts into one direction. You can still learn other skills on the side.>

And what would my build be? Didn't Darwin call me a commander type once?

<He did but with your prowess in solo battles that's not quite accurate. You switch tactics often and fulfill multiple stereotypes for different builds.>

So I'm hard to categorize?

<That is indeed the issue. Your instructing skill seems to allow you to quickly learn skills that share similarities with the ones you already have. Having you focus too much on anything will slow you down instead of helping.>

That sounds really complicated. I'll leave you to figure that out while I go meet Jake.

<I figured you'd say that.>

I head out of my room and find the way to the reception area. The reception desk is currently unmanned. Isn't that bad for business?

<I've been filling in for the time being but we are about to close and I wanted to give you and Jake some privacy.>


<You guys need to get to know each other! I'm sick and tired of being the intermediary for everything. You're both grown men, so introduce yourselves to one another.>

In one of the cushioned seats of the waiting area I see a young dude with curly blond hair. He's on the phone, typing away at something while wearing a pensive expression. As I approach, he looks up from his phone and gives me a relaxed smile. The guy seems pretty laid back and chill.

"Hey there, you must be Guy. Thanks for coming to welcome me, Navi said you'd come. I'm Jake Floyd, a weak-ass bee."

Seems that being weak really gets to him. I shake his hand and smile back.

"Nice to meet you, Jake. I'm Guy Goodwin. And don't worry about being weak, we all start off that way. It gets better."

"Sorry to be such a downer. I guess I should be more positive. Thanks for cheering me up!"

"No problem. Now, while I have been sent to welcome you, I'm still kind of new myself. Do you need me to show you around or is Navi still going to do that?"

<I can do the guiding but for now I have a special mission for you two.>

Can I decline?


Unfortunate, what's the mission?

<Get Rani. She's blocking me out and keeps bothering Valeria. I thought things would be fine but she went into hyper focus and now someone needs to wake her up.>

Hyper focus?

<Imagine ADHD on steroids turned into a skill.>

There's a skill for ADHD?

<No, the skill can be trained without it but going into a state of hyper focus naturally helps.>

Is that the condition you mentioned before?

<No, but yes, Rani shows all telltale signs of ADHD.>

So, fidgeting, excessive talking, hyperactivity, trouble concentrating and various episodes of complete focus?

<That is surprisingly accurate. And yes, all of the above and more.>

Can I use my secret weapon?

<Which is?>
