
Master carrier? (3)

We move through the larger cave passages in search of prey. Every now and then, a lone goblin charges the vanguard and is then dismantled by the carriers. The dismantling is done in rotation to avoid the carriers exhausting themselves.

Since I'm to show my abilities as a carrier as well I'm added at the back of the rotation. When it's finally my turn I quickly dismantle the goblin and store it away.

As I stand up I am met with astonished gazes from the adventurers and admiring ones from the other carriers. I surpass this group in every aspect of dismantling from skill level to experience, even my dismantling knife is better than the ones they have.

"What's the level of your dismantling skill?"

A young lass asks me in a scared voice. People usually dislike talking about their skill level but my dismantling skill level isn't something that will hurt me if people know about it. It might even bring in more customers.

"My dismantling skill is at level 6 and I feel like I'll reach level 7 fairly soon."

They are all greatly impressed. The adventurers less so since they have no clue about the advancement rate of this skill.

Progressing after level 4 becomes arduous for most regular carriers since we rarely ever get jobs involving enough medium-sized monsters that are needed to level up the skill. Taking down those types of monsters on a regular basis usually allows adventurer teams to recruit only senior carriers. Because at that point every monsterʼs parts are valuable enough for the quality of the dismantling to significantly affect the price. Therefore every team usually looks for people with dismantling at level 6.

Those people don't get a chance to level up their dismantling skill but can get the most worth out of every carcass.

<I'll make a note to advertise our VR simulation for training in that spectrum then. You'll get a five percent commission if the idea takes off.>

Maybe I should prepare a presentation about carriers so we can see how many other common sense things look like money-making opportunities for you.

<I will make a note to remind you once your schedule opens up a bit.>

We continue through the cave system and I simply relax as I follow along at the back. I secretly keep glancing at the dungeon map to monitor the situation.

I see two green dots approaching the group from the back. Probably two goblins that picked up our trail from all the blood spilled during fighting and dismantling. For now, I pretend not to see them and continue walking at the back of the line.

Right when the adventurers at the front begin clearing another room of monsters the two goblins catch sight of us carriers at the back and charge loudly. The other carriers mostly panic and hurriedly draw their weapons.

I know they've only been in the business for less than a year or so but really. Backing away, falling onto their asses, and trembling so badly they could lose the grip on their weapons at any time is exactly what gets you killed in a dungeon.

I draw my daggers and take a quick step toward the goblins. The two green-skinned monsters are completely caught by surprise. Before they can react I brush past them and leave a long bloody line running across their throats.

The still frightened carriers watch the goblins collapse and I begin to dismantle them at a quick pace. By the time I have single-handedly finished dismantling both goblins, the other carriers are back to normal and we enter the room the adventurers just cleared out for us.

However, despite them acting like nothing happened, I can see their hands moving in a slightly more unstable manner than before. Navi, add a note to include stress resistance tests in our training programs.

<Got it.>

Right when mister Galad waves for his men to continue into another tunnel, a screeching sound can be heard and one of the adventurers cries out in pain. The shaft of an arrow is sticking out of his knee and he falls backward hitting the ground.

"It's the cave hunter! Take cover!"

Three more arrows woosh out of a side tunnel. Two of them fail to hit due to the adventurers quickly taking cover but the third arrow sinks into some poor guy's side right when he is about to reach cover.

The poor dude is bleeding while lying on the ground. A quick look at the dungeon map reveals to me that the goblin cave hunter is already escaping at a fast pace. Probably because he's a glass cannon.

The adventurers assess the situation and mister Galad charges into the side tunnel with two shield-bearers walking in front of him. Not like they will find anything in that tunnel by now.

The other adventurers move the two wounded ones to a safe spot and allow the healer to examine them. Since I want to showcase my abilities as a combat medic I also walk over right in time to hear the healerʼs assessment.

"I can't heal the with the arrows inside the wounds! We need to take them out first."

One of the adventurers immediately grabbed the shaft of the arrow that is lodged into the first woundedʼs knee and is about to pull."

"Hold it!"

Both I and another adventurer yell at him to stop at the same time. We both get strange looks from the rest but eventually, they all look at the other guy.

"From the way arrowheads are usually designed in a triangular shape they act like barbs if you pull them out. I did some hobby archery as a kid and removing some arrows from the targets left holes so big it would be fatal if it were a human."

The dude with the arrow in his side suddenly grabs it and begins to pull.

"So what, we have a healer, he'll heal me right back up."

"Don't! The shaft will-"

I am too far away to do anything as the wounded man applies pressure to the shaft as he pulls with all he got.

Then, a dreadful crack sounds and everyone goes quiet.
