

I usually don't dream, like at all. My nights are calm and peaceful leaving me well-rested.

However, tonight everything is different. In my dream, I see a group of goblins. One of them I recognize, it's a hobgoblin. The others look more similar to normal goblins but each has a few small variations.

One holds two daggers and his arms are distinctly more muscular than the average goblin. He somehow looks a little shifty and I definitely wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. Another one is carrying an assortment of trap-making materials. He keeps looking around scanning the surroundings.

The third one particularly catches my eye. He holds no special items and is overall just slightly taller and buffer than the others. Still, something about this goblin draws me in. Is it his eyes?

Yes, his eyes are so filled with wisdom while the other goblins don't seem very bright. I feel like I could hold a cultured talk with this goblin.

Suddenly, all goblins and the hobgoblin except for the cultured one fade away from my vision. The cultured one remains and looks at me with his tranquil eyes. I stand opposite him and we both just stare at each other. Then, I notice a glint at the edge of my vision and upon closer inspection, it appears like a mirror is in front of me.

What a weird dream this is. I don't get any of it but since it's a dream it doesn't matter. Why do I even realize that this is a dream? Aren't you supposed to wake up after realizing you are dreaming?

As I think this the dream around me loses all substance and I wake up. The bedroom is dark only lit up by a slight beam of moonlight entering through the window. My eyes open and my gaze is caught by a flash of silver. No, it's white not silver.

I blink a few times to clear the sleep from my eyes and I see a pair of blood-red eyes staring at me. The flash of white appears again and I recognize it as hair. Then, shadows creep out from the ground and briefly obscure my vision before quickly fading again. The eyes are gone and so is the white hair shimmering in the moonlight.

I try to stand up but heavy tiredness assaults me and drags me back to sleep.

The next morning at work I walk up to Valeria while she's standing behind the reception desk. She notices me and gives me her standard emotionless face and greeting.

"Good morning Guy. Please proceed to the laboratory for some necessary examinations."

"Sure. But before that, mind explaining to me why you were in my room last night?"

"You will be informed once you are at the lab. For further information, please contact Navi."

Not a single thing in her expression had changed at my question. Was I seeing things or is her poker face skill on a godly level?

I have no idea. But I'm sure you do, right Navi?

<Look Guy, a lot of stuff happened yesterday. How about you open your status, to begin with, that should explain some things by itself.>

I open my status.

Status Guy Lv.1 Goblin instructor

Mp 10+20+0

Strength 5+20+5

Constitution 5+20+5

Speed 5+20+5

Magic ability 0+20+0


universal humanoid language, universal monster language, dungeon map

Sword use lv. 1; enhanced stamina lv. 3; dismantling lv. 5; breathing technique lv. 2; trap making lv. 3; dagger use lv. 2; throwing lv. 3; slash lv. 1; cleaning lv. 1; instructing lv.1

Okay, things that are weird here. My level is 1 I'm not a normal goblin anymore and I got a new skill. Mind explaining Navi?

<Okay, remember the goblins you trained yesterday?>


<The dungeon was attacked. It was a bunch of newbie adventurers that wanted to train fighting unarmed goblins. Little did they know that as soon as they entered one of the floors a horde of seventy goblins armed with branches descended upon them. During combat, at least ten goblins learned the skill slash and became even stronger. Adding on the swords they took from the first group they defeated...

In short, they killed way more adventurers than they were supposed to. The dungeon recognized that this was due to your training and decided to share the EXP the goblins gained with you. This brought you to level 20 and made you qualified for evolution.

Since you had just gone to sleep the evolution immediately began and out of some unknown reason you had unlocked a special evolution which you then unconsciously chose. Normally, during their first evolution, all monsters go a little berserk so we sent Valeria there to keep you from accidentally killing your wife and children. Just that you didn't act normal.

We can show you a recording in the lab but you just looked around and closed your eyes again before actually waking up.>

Wait, what?!! I nearly killed Melody?

<No you didn't but in this situation, you should have at least tried. However, got a special evolution so nothing about you is normal.>

A special evolution? What does that even mean? Goblin instructor doesn't sound very special.

<Special is a term we usually use for evolution that we don't have in our data bank. Additionally, we also call evolutions special if they give rare skills. Your evolution belongs in both categories.>

So goblin instructors aren't a thing? No wonder that they are all stupid. Also, what's so special about the instructing skill?

<I assume you are familiar with the highly prized skill that humans use in famous schools? Teaching is the human equivalent of the monster's instructing.>

Really? The teaching skill is basically a guaranty for wealth and a good life! And I got that so easily?

<Yes you did, much to Darwin's chagrin. He spent weeks just to get the skill and it hasn't leveled up a single time since.>

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