
Chapter 154: A Date with Dragons

As the towel-clad Satsuki approached, Seijurou found himself swiftly turning around to crouch down and hold his head with both of his hands, hoping to not catch a glimpse of anything that might make his nose bleed unnecessarily.

However, the soft giggles of his redheaded partner somehow gave him the urge to partially open his eyes and glance slightly black. He would come to regret it later on as she continued to tease him.

"Tada!" beamed Satsuki as she abruptly revealed that she was actually wearing a strapless one-piece black swimsuit underneath, making her partner dive into the water to hide. "What? Are you actually thinking of perverted things about me being naked? You really are so stiff, Seijurou-kun!"

"I am not!" squealed Seijurou like a teenage girl as he shot up from the hot spring with a slightly bleeding nose. "You're the one who's giving me lewd ideas!"
