

The senior dressed Cheva like a clown. Cheva's cheeks were covered with red lipstick in a circle. And the lips are also colored red to form a heart on the front. Cheva didn't rebel even though her hands were now tightly clenched beside her waist in annoyance. His face now looks cold and annoyed. Cheva knew even if she fought him now it would be bad in the future, especially since it was the first day of school. This means that she still has a very long way to go, and Cheva doesn't want to make a fuss

"Do you really look very beautiful, wear this and ask for Diaz's senior autograph! Aren't you a fan?"

"I'm the most beautiful girl and I really admire handsome seniors"

Cheva walked away from the crowd in the field and looked for Diaz's classroom

"I'm sorry Sis, excuse me. Do you know where Diaz's class is?"

"Where is this clown from? Wow, it turns out that Sis Diaz's fan is really beautiful, and has no shame"
