
I'm Beautiful

"And by the way, she's the woman I've been talking about- Cami Xena, my girlfriend"

My eyes widen taken aback with what Seviro said in front of his father. I harshly turn my head to him with my surprise expression.

"W-What?!" I exclaimed but stuttered.

I held his arm but Seviro didn't look at me and just keep his eyes on his father. He looks serious and confident the way he said while I on the other couldn't believe how it easily slip out from his tongue.

His father suddenly laugh as if he find something funny. My attention shifted to him and I caught him looking at me with a smile on his face. I shake my head as if telling him that Seviro is just fooling around.

"Are you even sure Alcinous or you're just blackmailing this young lady?" He chuckle. "She doesn't seem agree to you"

I return my gaze to Seviro, instead of taking back what he said. He even more become serious. He stood straight and held my hand that was holding his arm.
