
Rowena Wants To Kill Her Father

She steeled her heart as she made her way to the ice cave. Rowena took out her commoner's outfit from the closet and put it on. She would leave this wretched place and bring Julian with her. And then, she would give him a proper burial.

When Raphael returned and didn't find her in Ashland, he might punish Rowena's father. King Draco would not get whatever it was that he wanted. All his plans would fail.

As for Rowena...

She would wait for Raphael to find her. She had a feeling that he would be able to do that just like he saved her when she fell from the tower. Hee always arrived in time to save her.

He was truly her knight in shining armor. Rowena laughed at those dumb stories where the damsel in distress always needed saving. She always thought women should be able to save themselves. Julian taught her a lot, including how to survive on the road, being a woman.
