
Who Are You Holding In The Grey Tower?

King Jared sank in his chair and had to calm himself down with a bottle of really strong wine. 

Now, after he was left alone to reflect on what just happened, he was disappointed at himself for treating his son that way. He ordered Mars to be arrested and locked up because of a moment of anger.

Deep inside, the king knew what Mars said was right. However, it was a bitter pill to swallow. It was not easy for him to admit that he was wrong and his ways had hurt so many people.

He was the king after all. He couldn't be seen as weak and wrong by other people.

Thirty-five kingdoms bowed down to him and he was almost like a god in this continent. His words were law and his power was absolute. The feud with the witch and the Bellevars was the only thing that had been a stain in his otherwise perfect domination.
