
The Initiation and Challenge

"Late again" Naruto said "What do you think happened last night with the two of them?" Sakura giggles "What do you mean?" Naruto again as always is clueless "I mean she kissed him, right? So I'm thinking if they are now a couple" Sakura explained "Sasuke what do you think? She's you're oneesan" Naruto teased the quiet boy leaning against the railing of the bridge "Shut up idiot. I don't care about her personal business" Sakura just sighed at their teacher being late "Yo, good morning" kakashi greeted with a big smile underneath his mask but was pretty obvious with his eyes that were glowing. "You seem very happy today sensei" the girl noticed "Did something good happen to you? Are you a couple now?" Naruto asked in excitement "Just be gentle on her" Sasuke joked Kakashi was dumbfounded with their reactions and did not confirm nor deny their claim. "Enough of that, we are all going to the training grounds, all are being summoned by the hokage, I do not know why but be sure to behave" he instructed giving a stern look at Naruto. "Yes sensei" the three answered.

When they arrived everyone was present. Team guy was busy as usual showing off the power of youth. Kurenai the teacher of team 8 was busy flirting with Asuma the leader of team 10. Team 7 arrives being greeted by everyone. Rock Lee once again announced his love for Sakura as Kiba challenges Naruto on becoming the hokage. The 3rd Hokage Sautobi arrived being escorted by the academy teachers. Everyone is curious and eager to know as why this day seemed so special that all were there including the high ranking officials.

"hmm" the hokage cleared his throat "Today, we will have a special kind of training. You will watch two of the legendary sannins fight with their student to test her. I want everyone to observe how they fight and learn their techniques in combat. This is an initiation for Erza Uchiha to join an elite team we are forming. The members of the Special force will be announced after this match. "He explained.

Everyone is excited to see the skills of what made them legend. They did not know who the challenger is only team 7 met her anyway and some of the teachers. They were all curious as they hear the name Uchiha and talked and gossip among their teammates about Sasuke being the sole survivor of the clan's massacre and yet here today another Uchiha has appeared. Kakashi was surprised and now is nervous not because he do not trust Erza's abilities but he doesn't want her getting hurt by any means and he might not control himself and jumped into the fight to protect or shield her for possible injury. He tries to calm himself- he pulled out his icha icha book and started reading. His mind traveled back to the memory of their kiss last night and this morning, he blushed not paying attention to the book on his hand. "You're reading that perv book again sensei" Sakura commented "You are perverted you blush as you read" Naruto exclaimed. He just ignored them and still worries about her girl.

There was a great wind that blew off them and in a puff of smoke Jiraiya appeared. He was a tall and well-built man in adulthood with fair skin. He had waist-length, spiky white hair that he usually ties back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under his eyes which extended further down his face. His attire consisted of a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armor that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side. Everyone was ecstatic on his arrival- Rock Lee and Mighty Guy clapped to praise the great perv. A few minutes another puff of smoke appeared.

"Princess Tsunade" Sakura screamed being a fan-girl she is. Tsunade is a fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back her hair is tied in two loose ponytails. A slender woman of curvaceous frame with above-average height and noticeably large breasts wears a grass-green haori with the kanji for "gamble" on the back, inside a red circle. Underneath she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizable cleavage. She wears open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels. She has red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails and uses a soft pink lipstick.

Then out of nowhere a red haired female fell from the sky wearing a beautiful Japanese/Chinese attire reminiscent of a revealing kimono. It consists of a short sleeveless tunic decorated with many flower motifs, which has revealing openings on the sides and front, exposing much of Erza's chest. These openings are held closed by a large, dark obi, which has a thin red rope tied around it, sporting a wide closing ribbon on the back. What also closes the openings of this armor is a lighter and smaller white belt, which is wrapped around a pink, flower-patterned cloth circling Erza's waist on the back and the sides. On the front, her groin is covered by a long cloth hanging down from her tunic, while the back is circled by another one, almost reaching down to her knees, possessing jagged edges. Another cloth is also hanging down from the sides, held closed by the ribbon on her back. This cloth has a yellow border and is folded to the outside and split into multiple edges at the middle of the cloth, pointing away from Erza's body. Erza's legs are covered by light stockings reaching up to her thighs, and her feet have simple sandals. She is carrying a Bisento with her- a large Japanese pole-arm similar to a halberd. The blade has a cove at the start of the blunt side of the blade, a small hole above the cove, and an even smaller hole above the small hole.

Everyone who has laid their eyes on her for the first time was captivated by her amazing figure, long wavy hair that dances in the air, her beautiful face and sense of fashion. Both male and female were worshiping her as they examine every part of her- they talked about her being another Uchiha trying to assess and assume what she can do. "Pleased to introduce the legendary sannin Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade and their student Erza- there is no rules in this battle, you win by either your opponent dying, surrendering or rendered motionless. Let the battle commence" Sarutobi signaled the fight.

A glow of yellowish gold aura encircled the perv as he gets ready with his chakra and positioned himself in a fighting stance, Tsunade on the other hand did the same as she gathers her chakra on her forehead black marking appeared from the byakugo and a white aura surrounded her. Rubble and leaves were flying everywhere as a reaction to their energy and power. Erza smiled at her masters and a red fiery magic circle emerged from the ground and a bright red light covered her. That gave everyone an eerie feeling the Hyuga kids tried to scan her but to their surprise her chakra is being mixed with a different kind of energy that is so powerful that it scared them. Hinata grabbed on her teacher as she tells her what she sees and Asuma being close heard it and was shocked. Neji told his teammates that caused them to watch seriously on the fight. Kakashi felt her and was never been so proud of anyone as he stares at her with adoration and pride.

The three started their move they were so fast that they only see shadows flying and sounds of weapons clashing. Without them seeing it a sudden explosion was heard and created a crater on the ground one after the other. The ground started to shake and strong wind brushed everywhere violently. They stood their amazed of what's happening- the teachers and the hokage smiled in approval of the red head.

Everything stopped and the three stood there panting and looking at each other. "Ara ara you are good, I wouldn't be ashamed to call you my student" Tsunade praised her "She can be called our daughter, I will be glad to tell everyone that" Jiraiya responded. Erza just smiled at the two as they bit their hands and with the blood slammed their hands on the ground "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" they said in unison then with a puff of smoke a giant toad which is colored a dull, rusty red, but around his eyes and on his lips and chest are brighter red markings. Over his left eye, he received a scar at some point in the past. His tongue, has a series of stud-like piercings on both the upper and lower side.It wears a large blue hap-pi vest that has the kanji for ebi on the back, and always carries a massive dosu blade at his hip. He also carries a large kiseru pipe which he often smokes. Jiraiya is standing on its head awaiting his command greeting him "Nice to see you again Gamabunta".

Then another appeared to where Tsunade stands a slug with an enormous size- it is predominantly white in color with three blue streaks that run vertically down the middle and side of its body from its head and tapering off at its tail. Its optical tentacles have a slight tint of grey to them and it also has two sensory tentacles on either side of its mouth. "So Erza, I did summon Katsuyu, how will you use her?" she asked her with a challenging tone. The red head just smiled back bit her thumb and did a few hand sign and slammed her hands on the ground with a huge amount of chakra emitting from her palm "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" everyone was shocked specially her master.

A great giant dragon appeared with light-colored scales running all over its body. It has a dark-colored fiery-man running down her back and arms, which appear to be connected to her feathery wings. While having three pairs of extensions from its jaw, the dragon has a dark-colored wing-like design over her eyes that's complemented by two oval designs right above it, the bigger one on the bottom and the smaller one on top. It also has them on its paws, four extending from the forearm and three on each finger. There's a noticeable border above its nostrils that divides its mouth from its face, extending near the back of its head. Finally, it has a pair of jagged horns extending from the base of its skull and feather-like scales extending from the back of its knees. "I want you to meet Irene" Erza said.

"That's enough!" The sandaime cut their fight "I will stop you here, you might destroy the whole village fighting. I declare a triple draw" He announced "Good job to all of you, you make me so proud." He concluded. The three looked at each other and bowed down in respect as their summons disappear in a puff of smoke again. They were laughing with each other and the rest of the spectators were amazed clapping at them and gossiping on how good the red haired Uchiha was.
