
Patient with Pleasure

It took a moment to realise what the sound was. Reluctantly Jesse's other hand moved from where it lay still against her warm skin. Pearl blinked and watched his hand slide out from under her shirt. Her eyes met his a moment later and Jesse couldn't help but laugh.

"It wasn't going to go anywhere," he said teasingly. "I promise."

She tried to narrow her eyes menacingly but failed and giggled helplessly instead.

Kissing her forehead quickly, Jesse murmured, "Did anyone tell you that for a reverend you sure kiss like a siren?"

Seeing the pink flood her cheeks was enough. Jesse went to open the door.

While he did that, Pearl took out extra glasses, a tray and platter. Opening her fridge, she took out celery, carrots, a carton of strawberries, another of grapes and some cheese.

Dana appeared when she was grabbing a knife from the block.

"Hello, gorgeous!" Dana called from the doorway. She was wearing a cute white jumpsuit with a bright yellow belt.

Pearl put the knife down, smiling. "Hey, Dana, you look great! Where'd you get those legs?"

Dana chuckled, "My gym membership is strong." Waggling her eyebrows, she said in a low voice, "What took you so long to answer the door, hmm?"

Pearl laughed. "None of your business, missy."

The glee on Dana's face was clear. "I'm so glad you two are still doing well."

That made her friend smile. "Thanks, D. Me too."

"If he does anything untoward, you let me know. I'll sort him out."

"And how would you do that?" came a wry voice from behind them.

Pearl looked up quickly to see Jesse wink. Dana turned around a little more slowly.


"And Sam," her husband intoned. "You were saying, darling?" he prompted Dana, amused.

"Well, you're clearly not on my side right now, Sam," she huffed good-naturedly. "I was going to hand him over to you to deal with!"

Pearl smiled.

"What untoward behaviour did you have in mind, Dana?" Jesse teased. "I think I've been taught how to treat ladies. How have I been doing, babe?"

They all turned to Pearl who smiled. "Oh, I think they taught you very well at that international school and then at that old traditional one."

"There," Jesse said, satisfied. "You heard her, Dana. I'm doing good."

"Because you're my brother I'd say that's all you can do," Sam said smugly.

Jesse opened his mouth and shut it again. Pearl rolled her eyes when he glanced in her direction and tried to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah," Pearl offered with mock reluctance. "He's great…"

Jesse couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. He moved over and kissed Pearl on the forehead. "Was that so hard, honey?"

A giggle escaped her. Shaking her head, she shoved him slightly. "Who knew I'd turn into the Murray cheerleader. Help me take this stuff to the patio, Mr Perfect."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Come on, you two," she said to her friends, who had watched the last bit of their exchange with bemusement.

Jesse and Pearl found themselves alone several hours later.

"He's been trying to get time with me these past few weeks," Jesse said.



"Well," Pearl said, placing the last glass in the dishwasher, "I think he's come to terms with the fact that you might leave. Knowing that, he wants to spend as much time with you as he can."

Jesse nodded from where he sat on a stool. "I know. I appreciate it." Pause. "Unfortunately our professions don't help."

"You're right. Just make the most of it." she reached out and rubbed his shoulder.

"I will," he said, catching her hand. "What did he say when you told him why I wouldn't stay just to be close to him and Mom?"

Pearl chuckled, watching Jesse play with her hand. "I had to choose my words carefully to start with, but in the end I think he saw the sense."

"I'm glad. Thank you for doing that for me."

"I kind of had to, since I did agree to ask you to stay."

Jesse knew all about the lunch with Sam and his mother now. "That's true," he grinned. Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed her palm. "I'm really glad you asked me to stay."

"Why?" came the curious response.

"It gave me a benchmark for how deeply I'd let myself get involved with you." He looked at her. "It would have been emotional suicide if you didn't care to even tell me you how I felt. Now I know that where I'll be in six months matters to you."

"Sure does." She put her arms around his shoulders, pressing her front to his back in a warm hug. "I'm so used to having you in my life, now. You became an irreplaceable friend when you came to rescue me in Bolivia."

Jesse put his hands over hers, loving the feel of her cheek against his. "I get happy when I hear you say things like that. It tells me that my instincts about you were never wrong." Pause. "Just faster than yours."

"Just a little faster," she corrected.

That made Jesse laugh out loud. Adjusting his hold on her, he stood up straight, lifting her right off her feet. Carrying her on his back, he said, "Something came to life the day I first saw you have an asthma attack."

"No way."

"Way," he chuckled. "By your second attack I was sure I was going through some inner crisis."

Her arms squeezed him a little, but he continued. "And when you asked me-" he laughed "-commanded me to stop acting like your doctor, I was a little hurt."

He was just inside her bedroom door now. Walking over to her bed, he turned around and sat down with her. Arms still over his shoulder, Pearl asked softly, "You know why I said that, don't you."

"Mm, tell me." Jesse turned as she let go of him and shifted her legs so she could face him better.

"Part of me didn't want you to see me as just a patient. I wanted to know that when you talked to me it was because I'm me, not because I was sick. I wanted to be more to you before I was even fully conscious of my feelings for you."

Jesse nodded and kissed her cheek. "I get you. You know that even when you're sick I only care so much because you're you, right?"

Pearl smiled. "I promise not to tell your other patients."

Jesse lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. "I like our little candid discussions. They leave me all warm and fuzzy."

Pearl rested her head on his chest. "Me too."

The next thing Jesse knew he was waking up in a dark room. Pearl's warm body was still up against him but they had a light throw over them.

Gently he made to extract himself from her light hold.

Once off the bed, he found his shoes and car keys. He made it as far as the bedroom door and then he heard her say softly, "I have a guest bedroom, if you're too sleepy to drive."

Jesse turned back, still in the doorway. She was propped up on one elbow and was watching him sleepily.

"I could probably make it."

"I'd rather you didn't take the chance, Jesse. I'll be worrying about you until you get home," she said earnestly, now more awake.

He hesitated.

"You don't want your sweetheart honey babe to worry, do you?"

Jesse shook his head. "We both know the combination of lack of sleep and anxiety is bad for you." Pause. "I'll stay in your guest room."

Pearl had him situated within fifteen minutes. They walked to his door together. She turned back to kiss him good night. One minute they were in each other's arms, the next he was pushing her out of the door.

"Good night, honey," he said softly but firmly.

"Good night, babe."

He closed the door and she returned to her room with a shake of the head. Seconds after she put her head down, she was out.
