
Chad wins!

Duel Arena,

Everyone stopped their fighting and turned toward the 10th fighting platform. 

Chad Bartlett sneered. Everything is going according to his plan. Even Michael can't back away from fighting right now.

Michael Blevins stood opposite him. Facing each other, Chad Bartlett can't wait to make a move.

Michael's expression is solemn. From the beginning he knows something is wrong. But he has confidence in himself. And his Golden Aura element is not easy to defend.

The whole crowd set their eyes on the duel. The audiences are staring at the screen. Below, the elder feels it's time to start.

When the signal was given. 

Chad made his move. He dashed toward Michael at breakneck speed. 

Michael expected him to make a first move. So he wasn't surprised. 

The next moment, he raised his hand to punch. His first bath in golden light all of a sudden. But anyone who is familiar with golden aura knows how tough it is?
