
Chapter Twenty One

Zawadi wiggled to get out of Lucas's embrace. He was a bit resistant but he let her go eventually.

"You need to leave" she sniffed, tears falling from her eyes.

"No, I can't leave you... " Lucas began.

"I think it would be better if you go. " she insisted.

"Cupcake please forgive me" he pleaded.

"I need time Lucas. To think things over. Please just go. I'll talk to you later." she told him.

"Okay, if that's what you want. Just promise me that you'll call me later. Okay? "he requested.

She gave him a silent nod before leading him to the door and ushering him out.

"Good bye" he leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head to the side.

He went to his car and drove away. She went back into the house closing the door behind her.

She went to her room, threw herself on the bed and cried. She cried for her broken heart, for her love and for him.

For everything she was going through.

The truth was that she still loved him. Her feelings for him were just as strong as they had been before. She wanted him to hold her close, to comfort her and make the pain go away, but she didn't let him.

She had managed to remind herself that he had been the cause of the pain in the first place.

She could tell that he too was hurting nearly as much as she was, she had seen it in his eyes.

She had already forgiven him and that was the fact but forgetting was a lot harder. Every time the scene back in Lucas's house played in her head, her heart crushed even more and with it the ability to forget.

She knew, however that she had to move on. Just like she did after Ahana and Eugene's death.

It was at that time that she decided that she would start a new. A new house, a new job and a new environment. It would help to stay away from him for a while, she decided.

It would all be temporary of course, she would inform him of everything eventually, because no matter what, she wasn't ready to let her love go.

She was determined to fight for him. Taking out her phone she called John.

"Hi John, how are you " she greeted.

"Hey, are you okay? You don't sound to good. Have you been crying? " John questioned, concerned.

"I love him John. I love him so much and when I went to tell him, he..."she sobbed.

"What did he do?"John inquired.

"It was all a bet. He mad a bet that he would get any woman he wanted to fall in love with him. And he won. He made me fall in love with him. And when I went to tell him, he was kissing another woman"she explained.

"What? He looked like a good guy. What did he tell you? "

"That he loved me and that he didn't care about the bet. He also said that it was the woman who threw herself at him"she answered.

"Do you believe him? "John asked.

"I don't know. It hurts so much I fell like my heart is being pounded with a hammer. I do love him but I need some time to think"She told him.

"If you need help then I'm always here for you. Don't forget that. " he reassured her.

"Can I stay with you for I while? I promise I won't disturb you I just really need a friend right now " she spoke.

"Of course you can. Don't worry about it's okay, just come over with your bags tomorrow. "

"Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. " she admitted.

"You're welcome honey. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight " he said.

"Goodnight" she hung up.

She crawled under the covers and dozed off.

The next morning Zawadi woke up early. She packed her bags and after breakfast, left for John's place.

It was not too far from her place so she arrived shortly after.

He was still there when she arrived, so he welcomed her and helped her settle in before leaving for work.

"There's some food in the kitchen and some drinks in the refrigerator. If you need anything else please don't hesitate to call me. And yes, people make mistakes Zawadi. No one is perfect. So if Lucas calls you, please pick up. Don't deny yourself happiness because of a misunderstanding. " he advised.

"Okay, I'll pick up if he calls. " she told him.

"Bye I'll see you later " he kissed her on the cheek.

"Bye " she mumbled.

After John left, Zawadi decided to watch a movie. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, she fell asleep.

Zawadi was woken up by a knock on the door. She tried to ignore it but the person was very persistent .

She pushed her sleepy form to the door and unlocked it. When she saw who it was, all the sleep she had disappeared from her eyes.

"You? What are you doing here? And how did you find..." Lucas cut her off when he pulled her body to his.

" Oh cupcake I was so worried. When I couldn't find you in your apartment I thought you decided to leave me. I was so scared." He pulled her back to study her face.

"Why weren't you picking my calls? You should have at least told me where you were" he added.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you. I just needed some space and a friend. That's why am here. But how did you know I was here?" she asked.

"John told me. He also warned that he would cut my balls if I hurt you again " he answered.

She chuckled before saying " Yup, that's John "

"Cupcake please forgive me. Every moment without you is like stepping on thorns. I'll do anything you want me to, just please come back to me" he pleaded.

"Anything? " she asked mischievously.

"Yes anything. As long as you come back to me. " he agreed.

"Hmm, this will be fun" she thought with a smirk on her face.
