

"do you need me to pick you up later?"

Ray asked leaning over the passenger seat to peer out of the window. Elias stopped for a second contemplating his chances, he was tempted to agree so that he could somehow talk Sarah into driving him home later but thought against it. Sarah didn't cope well with pressure and that was one of the reasons why she ended up dumping him when he got insistent about involving himself in her job.

"No need, I'll meet you at the hotel around five"

Ray nodded and drove away in his royal blue classic, Elias sighed shaking his head at his cousin's speeding ride, if someone knew how to enjoy the daylight out of his good pay, it would be Ray. he stared at the disappearing car for a while lost in his thought and turned heading directly to his office not bothering to check the common room, where most of the department's staff spent their breaks, it's been a long time since he stopped socializing with the other professors. He found out the hard way, how things worked in the academic world when he was hired as an assistant professor right after graduation. Like almost everything in the world, money and power spoke in this place, most of the time it did't matter if you're more qualified or have the academic background to do something, because there's always some well established old geezer who probably forgot the component of a human cell long ago, and who's last scientific work dated as old as when they first invented the computers,... this kind of old geezer would always be there to "teach the newcomer a lesson" and make it hard for ambitious young fresh faces to progress with their work and constantly remain under the senior's thumb. They could be so caught up in their ways that they often turn into bullies to the younger generation making their lives a nightmare.

Because of his family's name, he was mostly untouchable, but it never turned down his disgust toward them. At first, he hated them for the way they disregarded science using it as a means to spread their rotten roots and monopolize the scientific community, making it dance to their preferred tune. But, when he met Sarah, his hate amplified. One run in after another with his department chief who seemed to have taken a liking to P.Wattani's project made his life miserable enough to consider breaking up with her at first. but when she's looked at him straight in the eyes and told him that she wanted to be with him and that's what she will do. He'd honestly felt ashamed of himself and of the passive way he'd been treating the situation, it felt as if he was going with the flow to avoid trouble, giving them what they want to keep them quiet. Sarah's determination had made him take a step back in shock, then leap forward and never look back. For someone who slid easily into his position in the world and hardly ever had to struggle to get what he desired, Sarah looked to him like a hero, a fighter worthy of respect. since then their relationship wasn't only the result of their mutual attraction to him, it was strengthened by the great respect she'd earned from him during that time.

After what recently happened with Sarah, Elias purposefully avoided any contact with the department chair. Blaming the man for his problems with Sarah was only going to turn him into a bitter resentful person, it wouldn't bring Sarah back to him. But still, he somehow hated him more for being part of the cause of their separation. Even though he knew it wasn't the only reason...

As soon as Elias reached his office, he saw a figure leaning against the door. the tall board shoulders and the navy blue suit and white sneakers was unmistakable, he knew only two people who hated dress shoes enough to pair up a suit with sneakers. A fashion move his high class mother would've had a fit if she saw him wearing it.

"Hey man, what's up" Austin keissi said with a chin lift, his guarded posture showing only in his ocean blue eyes as the rest of his body could fool you into believing the man was easy going. he was a male rugged version of his sister, they weren't only alike they acted the same too, which made it easy to hit it off with him instantly when Sarah had introduced them.

"Hey, I was meaning to call you as soon as I arrived."

"I had a few things to check out around here before I joined Sarah, so I thought I'd stop by."

Elias nodded then opened his office door, Austin didn't waste any time as he entered, he looked at him and said as soon as the door closed behind them; "Kinsley is missing, no one saw him since yesterday."

Elias wasn't taken aback by his blunt declaration, they'd both known that the man could be involved in Watani's dissapearance.

"Are we sure he's missing?"

"I know that you had your mind set on Wattani especially after it seemed like he planned his own abduction, but what I heard today made me reconsider... apparently Kinsley had been losing credit around here, and the board is contemplating a new election for the department chair."

"I know, I think it's because of his obsession with the plant, it's all he can think about since the presentation Sarah and Adam did a few months ago."

"well from what I heard, it's not the only reason." Austin said resuming his leaning position against the door, making the door frame and the room seem smaller, "I heard it from some of his close friends and his Ex-wife -they divorced three months ago, that Kinsley has been taking something for a long time. she says that he somehow diluted it in his perfume and that he was practically a mindless abusive addicted creature without it."

Elias took a moment to take in what was handed over to him, it hadn't occur to him that addiction could be the reason behind Kinsley's obsession. well, one of its factors since the man had his eyes set on the plant from the first day he heard about it. this means that Kinsley was desperate and obsessed, a dangerous combination.

"The man in unpredictable and can do anything, he wants something at all costs and Sarah has it now. We still don't know whether He did something to Wattani or the man just disappeared on his own"

"we have to tell her..." Elias mumbled already knowing the scheme Austin was relaying.

"tell her what?!" Austin exclaimed, "that a freaking addicted psycho may be looking for her?! she has enough on her plate already."

"she needs to know Austin, it won't go well if she finds out that we hid it from her. besides she's an adult, knowing the extent of the danger she's in may help her keep her guards up"

"more than she already is?" Austin's voice held a hint of irritation, which made Elias look up from staring at the ground, the man's fists were slightly clenched as he looked out the window.

"it's better than having her in danger because we didn't warn her before"

Austin sighed and looked at him; "this sucks..."

"tell me about it... "

"so, you went up to see her?"

"Yeah, Ray asked me to accompany him to break the new."

"of course he did, if not he would have to deal with your jealous mug for the rest of his life," Austin said chuckling. "so how did my stubborn sister welcome you?"

"as well as could be expected since she thinks that I'm a traitor asshole."

"she loves you, Elias, for all its worth Sarah have been as miserable as you since you separated, it's just that she'd rather cut off her hand than let it show."

Elias didn't respond, this was all too messy, and even though Sarah seemed obstinate he knew better than to blame her, his so-called betrayal had torn her apart, so much she'd been so vulnerable that night that he had been afraid to break her with the slightest movement of his lips, he had let her walk away choosing to retreat in order to regroup try his chance later. but now he wonders if he took too long to come back.
