
Picked Up Kezia

Jenni was silent, and her mouth closed entirely. She didn't know what to say to Daniel.

She just remembered that her lover did not know she was there.

"Jen?" Daniel asked again across the phone because Jenni didn't answer his question.

"Y ..- yes," said Jenni nervously.

The girl was really nervous.

She didn't know what to say to Daniel right now.

"Where are you? If you don't tell me now, I will look for you myself, and after meeting, I will immediately pick you up, how?" softly Daniel.

Jenni sighed softly. She could not lie to her lover, even though in front of her there was Kezia, who was busy shaking her head.

"I'm at the resort," Jenni finally said.

There was a creaking bench sound that seemed to be pushed back because Daniel suddenly got up from the bench.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Daniel, who was a little disappointed in his lover.
