
Chapter Eight

***Y/n's POV***

We shake on it but something in his eyes tells me its not going to be that easy.

It's probably best I go out tonight.

"I have to go make a phone call. See you later?" I stand up and start walking backwards towards the staircase.

I can't even trust myself around him alone for five minutes. Not when last night is fresh in my memory.

"So, you are ditching me like your brother? I see how it is," he says jokingly.

"I'll be back out in a little bit you big baby"

"No biggie, I think I'll lay out by the pool with a drink. It's nice out," he starts walking towards the basement.

"OK, cool. See ya later," I run up the stairs and I feel like I start breathing for the first time since I walked in the house.

Getting to my room, I call Yoona hoping she doesn't have any plans for the evening.

"You get laid yet?" she asks when she picks up.

"I've been home for five minutes! I would hope it wouldn't have happened that quickly," I roll my eyes even though she can't see me.

"So, I can't stay home tonight. We made a deal not to be physical for right now and he left the decision up to me for when it does happen. I don't have the self control, Yoona. Help me," I beg as I peak out the window in my room.

I see Jeongguk walking out the sliding door onto the deck. He lays down on a pool chair putting his hands behind his head.

His body is fricken insane.

"What is the deal, Y/n. You are one of the only girls I know that don't get flustered by guys. What the hell is up with you?" She asks confused.

"You would understand if you saw him," I spread my blinds of my window a little more. "You should see him right now, Yoona. It looks like a tattooed Greek god set up shop in my back yard"

"Send me a picture!" she squeals into the phone.

"Fine, give me a second," I press the camera app on my phone and take a picture.

"There I sent it," I'm pacing my room waiting for her to look at it.

"Dear lord, we need to get you out of there. You won't last a minute," she says.

At least I have an excuse to wear my new outfit.


I look in my full length mirror.

Ok, this will work I guess.

I'm wearing a short, cream colored lace skirt with a floral print tank top.

I curled my hair in natural big waves. A little mascara and pink lip gloss and I'm ready to go.

I dig out my wedge heels out of my closet and strap them on. Yoona said to give her an hour before we meet up at The Tavern for lunch.

Its been about half an hour so I head downstairs for something to drink and find my phone charger.

Looking in the fridge, I grab the ice tea and pour myself a glass. I'm standing at the kitchen sink and look out the little window above it.

Where did Jeongguk go?

I'm on my tip toes, arching my neck to look around the back yard to see where he went.

"Looking for someone," he says in a deep, sexy tone.

I jump and turn around.

"Jesus, you scared me," I say breathless, trying not to stare at his half naked body.

He's looking me up and down with that look he gets when he's trying to stay in control.

"Where are you going looking like that?" he walks towards me.

My ass is pressed into the edge of the sink.

"I'm going out for day with my friend. And what do you mean 'looking like that'?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

He keeps moving towards me slowly. He looks like a predator caging in his prey.

He stops with in inch of me and leans in, putting his mouth so close to my neck that I can feel his breath.

I close my eyes and let me head fall back a little taking in the sensation. He's not making any physical contact with me but my core tightens.

How does he do this?

My thighs press together automatically and my chest arches out.

He places his hands on either side of me on the counter, taking in my scent.

"I know you're wet," he whispers in my ear.

He's not wrong.

That statement makes me even more hot.

This whole not touching thing isn't making anything easier.

The front door opens and I see Namjoon walk in. Jeongguk slowly backs up,

smiling. He knows that my brother just saved my ass because I was already ready to crack.

"Hey guys," Namjoon says setting his wallet and keys down on the counter.

"What's up?" I ask ask sounding out of breath.

Jeongguk laughs at me and Namjoon gives him a strange look.

"What's so funny?" Namjoon says looking between us.

"Nothing. I was actually just heading out," I say walking to the door. I need to leave before Namjoon starts getting suspicious.

"Yoona and I have lunch plans and then we're probably just gonna hang out for the night at her house. I'll be home later"

"Ok, see ya later," Namjoon says.

Jeongguk just stares as I walk away. He has this look like he doesn't want me going anywhere.

Is that jealousy?

I wave and walk out the door.

**Hope you're enjoying the read!!**
