
Chapter Eighteen

"What if it was something bad.. You said it yourself that he wasn't in the brightest moods.. "

"It's going to be fine" Tess said slightly shaking her shoulders but, Maya remained unruffled.

Tess stood up and began doing some stretching, and a few sit ups..

"You work out?"

"Not quite.. " She replied short of breath.. "But tomorrow is Saturday and I have Judo classes... You'll be here right?"

She asked panting.

"I don't know.. Can I really stay here without you.. Lack of communication, between I and Nona, your brothers... "

"But you have to learn Spanish.. From Nona all you just have to do is prepare one meal with her.. My brothers Uhmm.. Well... Just try not to be in sight."

"What if I break your washing machine... " Maya spoke up after some minutes of Silence..


"It's just a thought.. "

"Well... Stop thinking... You know the night is still young, well middle aged now" They giggled yet again..

"What I mean is there is still so much fun to do.. Like.. Uhmm we haven't painted our nails yet.. "


(Door Knocks)

"Who's that"

"It's me... Sofia"

"Come in.. You're still up?" Daniel asked as she wriggled through the door..

"I could barely sleep.. "

Wow... She's missing me already..

"Come... Sit over here.. "

Sofia dragged herself over, and sat on the marine blue coloured bed cover of her brother...

"So you're leaving.. "

"Yes just.. Packing up some stuffs.. "

"For real?.. "

"For real..."

He noticed his sister look a bit pale. She wasn't the usual kid that would miss anyone but Daniel felt for sure, that she did then..

"You promised to give me a treat before going..."

"I knew I was going to leave this morning... There was no time to give you a treat... "

"Then you give me something else say your iPad.. Mum says I'm too young to have one" She says, air quoting the too small.

"Sure it's yours.. "

"Great, bye..." She said heading for the door..

"Aren't you going to give me a good night hug or tell me you'd miss me?"

"You wish.. " She said and closed the door shut..

Daniel smiled.. That was the sister he knew, the one that hid emotions.. He quickly stuffed in a few clothing and shoes and arranged them in a pile. He'd be set to move the following morning.

One part of him was extremely worn out and exhausted from the day's work... He thought about Maya again, like he always did when his mind wandered about.. He wondered if she read the note... Maybe she did, but stopped caring long enough to worry about his leaving.. He slowly diverted his thoughts to Abigail... He didn't want to believe her make believe story about returning.. He knew that it was mostly because of him, that she returned and now he was leaving...

He thought about the next day, his escort was to be Coach Ryan. Daniel remembered how he was led into the Principal's office and made to narrate his sudden change of mind.

The principal, initially gave a stare that seemed almost like forever... One of those his signature stares that could never be deduced.. Disapproval of contentment? No one knew..

He remembered rubbing his sweaty palms.. He did that whenever he was nervous.. It didn't take much convincing however, for the principal to yield.

Daniel looked around his room, he was already feeling nostalgic. It was an annual training, and he had already missed months... He would try to keep up with the pace. He walked over to his bedside table where he had a framed picture of him and Abigail.. They had taken it on her tenth year birthday. That was also the first time, that he realized that she was allergic to raspberries, blossom flowers and peanut butter.. It made her sneeze uncontrollably, and swell.. That particular incident, he had never forgotten and probably wouldn't forget. He got her blossoms, a perfect bouquet of them, Had someone bake her a raspberry flavored cake... Everything was supposed to be perfect.. He thought, until she sneezed and developed sore rashes all over her skin..

Daniel slowly dropped the picture... He suddenly wished he had Maya's picture or just a piece of her.. Anything would do..

He felt drowsy, and a pounding headache...

So much stress for one day..

He left the table, for his bed, and fell heavily on it..


*Maya's Pov*

I wake up to a rustling sound... My hair, that I was most certainly sure, that I packed yesterday was all loosen and all over my face. I let out a loose yawn and my brain takes at most a minute to register where I was, and what I was doing there...

I stretched and lazily pull my self out of the bed... It was Saturday. As I make for my slipper, my feet touches something sticky.. Leaning over, I realized it was a gum..

"Morning sleepy head"


"I'm off to Judo class and for some routine workout... My family, your responsibility for today.. " Tess said sticking out her finger, like she always does when dispensing instructions.

"So, are there any specifics.. Certain allergies.. Do's and Don'ts I should know..?"

"Just few... My siblings take their breakfast by 8.. It has to be by 8. Not a minute later or before.. Their usuals is for each, three stack of fluffy pancakes with syrup get a big scoop of oatmeal topped with brown sugar, raisins, nuts and blueberries.

My Nona, will usually take her green tea... After which, you would have to give her her medication.. By exactly 9.

When my siblings are done eating, you should let them play for some minutes.. Some indoor running around. Then, you let them play with the game console and by 12, they eat their brunch get some sleep and eat again by 2... Then, they do some outdoor running around. I should be back by then.

No wonder they are stuffed up.

"Great... So about the Nona part.. How do I communicate with her since she doesn't understand English"

"That's easy. You will cook a meal with her.. The home made tortillas and all you just have to do, is listen to how she pronounces everything.. That's the first step."

"Do you guys just eat Tortillas everyday.."

"No silly.. But Nona's tortillas are the best, and she would like to make some for you as a parting gift."

I look at Tess.. The radiant glow each time she smiles could warm an iceberg. She wore a track suit and stuffed in her Judo uniform, into her bag. Her hair had been packed up with her three colour headband... She looked ready..

"Bye Maya.. I'm off"

"See you later" I say. Just when it seemed like she had taken a few steps out of her house, I hear a glass shatter..

Oh dear..

"Hey.. You two..." I say, not scolding just calling.

"Didn't get to know your names.. I'm Maya you are?"

"I'm Josh and he is Jerry.. "

One said..

"No! I'm Josh and you are Jerry" The other contradicted.

"You don't know your name."

"You are the one who doesn't know his name."

"Fine... Rock, paper, scissors.. The winner, gets to be Josh. The other Jerry.. "


"Rock, Pa.. "

"It's OK.. Whoever is Josh and the other Jerry nice to meet you.. " I say..dissolving the argument.

"Neither is Josh or Jerry... Trust me.. He is Rico and this other, is Tito.. I'm Adrian."

I turn sharply to hear the person who spoke. It must be the other brother, Tess said she had.. Although I didn't seen him yesterday..

"Maya... Ven." (Maya... Come)

"Morning Nona"

"No hay tiempo para saluder... Dajen esos dos que numca dorán nada razonable" (No time for greeting... Leave those two they will never say anything reasonable.)

I just nodded.. Not knowing what else to do, I tapped my fingers on the counter creating a beat that I hummed to..

"Ven a ayu darme con los platos" (Come help me with the dishes)

I nod again.. I register that perhaps, she was offering some advice and keep up with my beats... Few minutes later, I felt a sharp pain in my head. Nona used her rolling pin, to get my attention hitting it hard on my head that I was sure I saw stars form. I rubbed it slowly and moved closer to where she stood.

"A que esperas... Lavar!" (What are you waiting for.. Wash!)

It was only when she pointed to the sink full with dirty dishes, that I realized she wanted me to wash them.

Remind me never to go for a sleepover at Tess's again..