
The secret wedding (Finale)

We walk downstairs and see Jaskier resting at the table now that he is finished decorating. We come up to him and sit across as I look at his tired eye's. "Thanks for doing all this Jaskier, it was really nice of you." He smiles as he waves his hand in a dismissive manner.

He leans back in his chair and starts to yawn. "So what do you guys need?" He is still asking to help us even after all this work. Talk about a nice guy, I wish I met him when I was younger. I look at the clock and we still have a few hours left till they get here for the ceremony.

I've never been to a wedding so I don't know what I am supposed to do. "We were wondering if you knew if we are supposed to say anything or do anything during the ceremony?" He looks at us and actually laughs. It is kind of funny and sad at the same time. "C'mon Jaskier, is there anything?" he finishes laughing and leans forward to speak to us.

He motions for us to come a little closer like its a secret or something. "No, just stand up there and say what he says and then at the end you may kiss the bride." I blush at the thought of kissing a beautiful Ciri in a wedding dress. I don't know why, but the time seems to go slower and slower the closer we get to the ceremony.

I look over at Ciri and I can see that she feels the same about me. "You two should go upstairs and get ready for the wedding. I will bring you out first Cera, Ciri will be brought out by Lillian after you. Make sure you don't fall down Ciri. I know how much you hate wearing dresses." I chuckle at the last part of that sentence. Ciri lightly slugs my shoulder and laughs along with us.

I take Ciri upstairs and we stand between the two rooms looking at each other. "This will be the last time we see each as fiancé's. Are you excited?" Ciri is trying to say something profound right now, it may not fancy others. I like it a lot though. She is right in her statement too, we will be husband and wife after this.

Instead of answering her I lean down and tilt her head up using her chin. She catches on and slowly closes her eyes and holds her breath as I bring us closer. Our lips connect and relief washes over me for some reason. I start to move my lips with hers a little. "Mmm~" She moans into my mouth as I move in a hypnotic way with my lips.

I am starting to get a cloudy head, I use my tongue to touch her lips a little to tease her. I brush against her teeth on accident. She on the other hand takes that as 'open your mouth'. I am having a hard time stopping myself here. I slowly rub her tongue with mine and make light circles as the tips rub each other. "Hhmmm~ MMmm~" She is enjoying it by the sounds of it. This is our last kiss before we are married.

I start to lose more and more of myself. Before I push her into the room and take her I pull away fast. She groans in displeasure and sadness "Why'd you stop...." She looks at me with cloudy lustful eyes. I know that look all to much and I can say for certain that if it weren't for the wedding I would indulge in her desire to.

I blink a few times to clear my head and I take a few breaths to ease my heart. "We don't have the time, I didn't mean for us to go this far." She releases a sigh that is agreeing with me. She understands what I am saying which is a good thing for me. If she pulled me in the room and started striping I wouldn't have stopped myself.

I back away from her and turn around and enter my room. I hear her enter her room as well. I go to my box and take out my suit. It is very nice looking, I hope that Ciri will like it. After I put on the clothes I look into the mirror and I am fine with the way it looks. After a few hours of waiting and thinking I get a knock at the door.

I open it and it's Jaskier. "Are you ready?" I nod my head and I follow him down the stairs and wait on the podium. Alexander is waiting there with a book and prepared to say the things needed to get married. Soon I hear foot steps coming from the stairs and I turn my head. My breath is taken from me looking at her.

[Link to the look of the wedding dress https://www.pinterest.com/pin/621144973588889923/]

Lillian is holding the end of her dress till she reaches the bottom of the stairs. Jaskier is playing a bard tune with his musical instrument. Ciri has a beautiful veil that matches her dress, Wickerson really out did himself. She walks up to the stage and stands across from me with her face behind the veil giving her a hidden beauty look.

I seem to have lost the ability to think straight and I can see some tears coming from her eye's. Not enough to smear her make up, just enough to notice. Alexander then starts to speak making the wedding official.

"Repeat after me Cera.... I, say your name, take you, say her name, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I, Cera, take you, Cirilla, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

I can't stop myself from choking up saying that. I can see Ciri's happy face through the veil. Her smile makes me smile.

"Repeat after me Cirilla.... I, say your name, take you, say his name, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I, Cirilla, take you, Cera, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

As she finishes saying that Alexander closes his book and puts his hands together. "I pronounce you husband and wife!! You may kiss the bride!" I lift Ciri's veil and see her breath taking beauty. I cant believe how lucky I am to have such a perfect woman.

I hold her hands and lean forward as our eye's close. We have a deep kiss that will never be more pleasurable or meaning full for the rest of my life. We kiss for a good 5 to 7 seconds to seal the deal. I pull away and I can feel tears fall from my eye's. Lillian brings us our rings and we put them on each others fingers. I put my hand between her neck and the back of her head. "I love you more than I could ever describe Ciri...." She begins to cry and her makeup starts to get a little messy.

I wipe it for her and kiss her again for another solid 5 seconds. "I love you even more than that Cera..." I chuckle at her answer and we kiss again. Jaskier, Lillian, and Alexander all clap and cheer for us. Ciri is now my wife, she is Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon Amavet. My wife is my best friend and the most beautiful woman in the world.

We walk off the stage and share hugs with everyone. We all have a mini-party and celebration for the wedding. Alexander said he will finalize everything and bring us our marriage license tomorrow. I may have to wait till after our operation with Francis to get to see it. Alex said he will put it in our room if we aren't here. I carry Ciri up to our room and look at her as we have actually succeeded in having a secret romantic marriage. I will always remember this day even should I pass from this world. She also has a look of happiness that only she shows me.
