
Chapter 82

Elincia's Point of View

Inside Helmsforth Mountain

When I teleported inside, I appeared in the most secure section of the Temple. Very few were allowed near it, and it was constantly under guard. Only two that had been here in recent memory, General Alwin Farro and General Kheri Naset. Although, that was to the best of my knowledge.

"Hello, Elincia." A familiar called out to me.

Stopping, I turned to see Lucia resting at a nearby table as light shone down from above us. It was an enchanted area that was impossible to find unless you knew where it was, broke the enchantment surrounding it, or were extraordinarily lucky in stumbling upon it. Then again, it was also a hideaway for others, such as the entrance to Rudnurth's seal and to Lucia.

"How are you fairing today, Lucia?"

She was always distant to me, but I could not blame her for this. "I am well. You?"


"No doubt from that dreadful magical energy that tried to bring the entire mountain down. That excludes the shouting I heard." She replied. "Sir Arthur has returned then?"

I nodded. "He has, and he seems very keen on finding Ayda." That got her to frown.

Lucia was a mystery to the outside world, but only in our own borders. Her strong resemblance to Arceana was staggering at times. However, it was because of this that she was hidden away. Her own seal was broken barely a few dozen years ago, from my understanding. I imagine it has been difficult for her.

It was a poor existence for the moment but a necessary one. There was no explaining where she came from, and many would assume she was my sister's daughter. Being unable to explain her origins truthfully, Lucia has been forced to bide her time and had been a state secret among our own people for quite some time. Then again, Lucia had suffered a similar fate that all of us had. That is, all of us besides Arceana.

"I imagine General Alwin is very careful." Lucia commented as she took a sip from her tea.

"When is he not?" I asked back more playfully, which got a smile from her. "Arthur will be restrained for the time being, but I must excuse myself. I have other matters to attend to."

"Checking the seal?" I nodded. "You think your new knight has the ability to weaken such powerful seals?"

Moving over to the magic lift that would descend into the mountain, I took a spot on it and looked back at her. "Arthur has been full of nothing but surprises since his arrival. This entire mountain is enchanted and filled with all manner of magic. It is why the seal works so perfectly." Then I frowned as I activated my magic. "It is disturbing that he was able to damage it at all."

With that, I activated the lift and traveled downward. Markings were etched into the walls as I descended glowed as I passed them. After a bit, the lift opened into a large open cavern that was covered in the same markings. At the center of them all was a single source of concentrated magic.

My eyes narrowed on it as soon as it came into view. It seemed to be active, and I moved closer as the lift came to a stop before it. Moving closer, I tried to see inside the concentrated magic that was the seal to make sure he was present. However, my eyes widened when I got close enough and realized he wasn't.

"Hello, Elincia." A voice came from behind me.

Using my magic, multiple magic swords appeared as I moved to turn around, but they all disappeared as my body became restricted. Rudnurth's magic slowly wrapped around me and concentrated heavily near my hands to prevent me from casting any spells. Turning me slowly towards him, I came face to face with him smirking.

"So, you escaped as well." Rudnurth began as he adjusted his torn robes from over 1500 years ago. "It is good to see you."

Glaring at him as I struggled made him smirk. "I wish I could say the feeling was mutual. Also, I never escaped. The truth of the matter is that I was set free and given another chance. Arceana asked me if we should do the same with you, and I advised her against it."

Chuckling at that, he moved closer. "I doubt that. Besides, why would you ever want to keep me sealed away?"

"You were little more than a monster!" I seethed. "Somehow, I doubt that has changed."

Looking me over with a smirk, his smile quickly faded as he slammed his palm into my mouth and glared at me. "I am the King, you stupid girl."

Pushing me back and slamming me into the ground with his magic, I winced. "No one even remembers you." I forced out a mocking laugh. "That is the price you pay for losing."

Still constrained in his magic, I heard him walking over to me and stopped above me with a dark smile. "Then I suppose I should remind them." Crouching down before me, Rudnurth grabbed me by the face once more. "After all, I think our dearest sister has been unchallenged for too long, don't you?"

He merely examined me for a moment before I bit his hand, which made him pull away. "Peace is something you were never interested in, and it is why you lost your throne." I chuckled. "Besides, you fell to us last time. What makes you think this time will be any different?"

Rudnurth chuckled once more. "I let my guard down last time and assumed neither of you had enough magic to challenge me. It didn't occur to me that you would seal my own magic with an accursed spell." Then he levitated me before him. "However, that was then, and this is now. Besides, this time, it will be only dearest Arceana I will need to deal with."

"You finally going to kill me?" I asked him in a defiant tone.

"No. I would never." My body then began to float backwards. "However, I will treat you to the same fate you left me to." Pushing me inside the seal, his magic dispersed as I was completely frozen in place and unable to activate my magic or move my body. "You will see nothing but this cavern for the rest of your days." I heard him state.

"Rudnurth! You are a fool to think you will succeed! Let me out, and I will-"

Cutting me off, with his usual smirk, he spoke. "I think not." Summoning his magic once more, he began to float before me. "Now, since you are out of the way, Arceana will be easy enough to handle even without all of my magic having returned to me. It may even make things more interesting."

He began to fly off, and I felt my blood come to a boil as he trapped me here. "RUDNURTH!!!"

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Hope everyone is enjoying the story! Got more plans in developement and mystery shrouded in confusion! Lol.

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