
Chapter 71

Arthur's Point of View

Lestrania Capital

After we talked about my past for a little bit, Aydan was very understanding of things and seemed more frustrated and angrier than anything. "I'm sorry you had to live through that…"

I shrugged as we continued through the forest. "It wasn't your fault."

"Maybe not, but no soul should have to suffer in such a horrid manner…" He trailed off again, and I could tell he meant it.

"Worse things have happened to better people than me, Aydan. Save your tears for those who deserve them."

Aydan shook his head in disagreement. "Now I understand where your self-loathing comes from. I only wish you had come to me about these events earlier." I didn't respond. "What of the rest of your family?"

"There was a reason the Star Creature sent here, remember? I'd rather not get into it right now."

"Very well, but you can always talk to me if you ever feel-"

Chuckling at that, I cut him off. "You're the only one I ever talk to about my personal life!" Patting his back, I continued. "Who else could I tell right now?"

Aydan himself thought about it before chuckling for a moment. "I suppose you have a point there." His voice turned gentle, and he spoke softer. "I hope you know that it wasn't your fault, and I don't believe running from love will solve anything. If your fiancé was anything like the way you described her, I think she'd be quite cross with you."


Silence took hold of our trek through the forest as creatures darted about to avoid me. All in this domain knew who I was. People and animals alike. A few large wolves attacked me one day, and I earned several large pelts that day of varying colors.

Eventually, the forest began to change. Crowded trees became more spread out, and the canopy above that let light flicker through completely turned dark. It appeared to be almost nighttime as fireflies began to dance around in the vibrant blue area as several plants glowed around us. It was breathtaking and made it hard to believe this forest could ever be considered dangerous.

"Is this the heart?" I asked out softly in astonishment.

"It may be a part of it, but not the center that we're looking for." Aydan answered back just as soft. "We are close, but this seems to be the inner sanctum of the forest. The heart is just ahead of us, and there is where I will start putting up the enchanted wards."

"Wards?" I repeated, confused. "I thought you said we were using some manner of ancient magic?"

"We are. Original magic and ancient magic are essentially the same thing, but incantations are needed, which make it extremely rare." Stopping for a moment, he looked back at me. "Ready yourself, for this magic will need to be tied to both of us."

"Me as well?" Aydan nodded. "Why?"

Continuing further in, he explained. "This magic is what I've learned from that study we went to all those years ago. Spells are incredible things, and with what I've learned, we will have exactly what we need for you to find me in the future, but the area will need to be guarded."

Rubbing my temples in annoyance, I replied. "Just… Tell me what to do."

Aydan and I walked a little further in until we came to a wall of vines and leaves blocking our view. "This is it." The Sage took off his bag and started pulling out several materials. "Here will be where we create the first guardian."


The Elf got started on marking the surrounding area with his magic and creating an arena of sorts all throughout the area. Burn marks scorched the grass beneath our feet and he went off to the right, and circled around the entirety of the wall of vines before coming to a stop as he reached where he originally started. I stood and watched as he concentrated heavily on the task at hand.

"On the other side of those vines is the heart." Aydan stated as he began to summon his magic and look at me. "Here will be the first guardian we create. Focus on the earth below us inside the area I have marked. However, I need you to concentrate a large portion of your energy into the earth itself since the creature in question will be tied to you."

Deciding not to question him, I just did as instructed. Moving forward, I kneeled down and placed my hand on the ground. My energy flowed into the surrounding area, and very soon, the magic markings Aydan made lit up as the earth began to shift. However, I didn't step back. Pushing more energy out got the ground to almost erupt and start floating in the sky.

Aydan tapped me, and I stepped away. "That should do it."

A golem-like creature made of the surrounding stone formed, and it towered over both of us. "A golem?" I inquired quietly as we watched on.

The markings that Aydan created ran up and down its rather long arms. It stood on short legs, which were supported by its impressive reach. However, while its size was truly intimidating, the same could not be said about its details. Dull features greeted my eyes as the large rock golem started to shift back and forth. Aside from having two arms, two legs, a body, and a head, that was all that was discernable aside from the magic markings that covered its body.

"It does appear to be so." Aydan replied as the creature moved forward and shook the ground beneath us from its weight. "Most impressive." Placing his hand across the creature's arm, he smiled widely. "Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be responsible for something so grand." Rubbing the golem's arm, he continued. "Can you understand us?"

A guttural hum greeted our ears that sounded like boulders colliding. "Is that a yes?" I asked.

My companion nodded slowly. "I believe so. These creatures will, or rather, are, intelligent!"

Looking at him with wide eyes, I was unnerved. "You created new life!?" My serious tone got him to look at me.

"Not by myself. We did this together! This is something that will be vital-"

"I am not making an army of these beings, Aydan!" I told him in a very irked tone. "They were supposed to guard the area, not be a living creature!"

Aydan immediately replied. "This magic is something I've never used in such a manner before! I couldn't have known what was going to happen, but it is too late now! We've already started this, and we need to see it through!" Moving from the new being we created, he put his hand on my shoulder. "However, as their fathers, we will need to make sure they are happy. I will do what I can here after you leave, but when you return, I suggest you-"

Moving his hand from my shoulder, I moved to the golem. "Now I understand why your descendent is an absolute psychopath! You never thought about the consequences of this spell, and you have a knack for ignoring them when they happen! Jesus Christ, Aydan!" Looking up at the Golem as he went quiet, I merely shook my head. "God damnit, Farro."

"…Are you talking about me or-" The Sage began, but I cut him off.

"Yes, you! Jesus!" Rubbing my face, I sighed deeply. "This isn't fair to this creature to keep it locked her for who knows how long."

"This, creature, has a purpose here and will not be alone. We know the consequences now, but if you want your answers for the future, you will have to decide here and now." Aydan moved next to me again. "Is it worth it to you?"

Tapping the gentle golem, I sighed. "He should have a name…"

Aydan smiled softly. "Agreed. A name fitting for such a large creature!"

The golem towered over us by twenty to thirty feet. It was impressive. If not for how large the canopy was over us, he'd maybe even be able to reach through the treetops. However, it hunched over as it stood almost like a gorilla on all fours.

Speaking up got the golem's attention. "I am not good with names, so how do you feel about Rock?"

He shuffled slightly and leaned his large head down, and nuzzled me. The feeling was surreal since I was basically being caressed by rocks. However, it wasn't until he pulled away and I looked over at Aydan that I saw his unimpressed look.

"What?" I asked my Elven companion.

"Rock?" He questioned back in an annoyed tone. "The best you could come up with… Was Rock."

"Maybe if you knew what Rock was cooking, you'd like it more." Was my snarky reply.

More confused than before, he just shook his head with a flabbergasted look on his face. "What?"


Walking off through the vines, I figured I should follow him, and I left 'Rock' behind as I did so. However, the hulking golem followed me and peeked through the vines as we came to a stop before a lake of sorts. The area was beautiful. Fireflies danced above the water, and it was so still that it acted as a mirror.

"Now we will do the exact same thing with this lake. Another guardian will be perfect for right here." Aydan stated before he turned to me. "Please try to think of a better name."

Ignoring him, I looked around as he got to work. There was a large tree that was on the other side of the lake. It was massive and seemed sunken into the ground in some manner of hole. It fascinated me, and I was curious about how deep it was, but we had to take care of the lake first. Although, if I was a betting man, that was likely the heart of the forest.

In the blueish ambiance, Aydan's enchantments on the water glowed once he was finished. "Are you ready?" The Sage inquired.

Without further prompting, I moved towards the water and repeated the same process that I did for Rock. My energy poured throughout the lake, and I tried to use around the same amount of energy that I did for Rock. It wasn't easy, but the water started to float out of the lake and form into large clumps before converging in on one another.

Eventually, my energy, and Aydan's magic, formed what looked to be a mermaid creature of sorts. The markings formed on her tail, which was a dark blue, and covered parts of her that would be otherwise considered revealing. Like her breasts. However, her skin on her body was a light blue, which contrasted with the markings covering her lower half. Long flowing hair that was another shade of blue was up in a ponytail, and I noticed she wore other clothes along with jewelry of sorts.

Slowly descending into the water, she swam over to us as Aydan looked ecstatic. "These results are unlike anything I have ever seen!" He proclaimed in a fascinated tone.

Kneeling in front of the water, I put my hand out as the mermaid put her cheek against it. "Would you like a name?" I asked her, her she nodded.

"Please don't pick something foolish like 'Water' or some other nonsensical name." Aydan commented, and I rolled my eyes.

"Marina." It may reflect water, but it was a name that had meaning to me.

"That's not as bad." The Sage stated.

'Marina' looked overjoyed at the name and smiled at me before looking to Rock. Both seemed to shuffle back and forth while looking at one another. This felt odd, and I had no idea what to feel in terms of these new lives we had created. Beings that could feel happiness and gratitude just felt wrong. The two seemed at peace with their creation, but would it stay that way.

Aydan eventually leaned down before Marina and smiled. "We need to get across your lake. May we pass?"

In response, the water started to freeze over as Marina dived beneath us and the sheet of ice. "Should we take that as a yes?"

"I don't see why not!" Walking across the ice, I followed his example as we got to the other side, thanks to our newest guardian. "Incredible! Simply incredible!" He turned to me as Marina waved at us as the ice disappeared. "It would seem both have received properties from both you and me!"

"What does that mean?" I asked warily.

"I have no idea!" He said in a jovial tone.

Groaning as I close my eyes, we walked towards the impressive tree trunk. Upon closer inspection, the tree itself seemed to be glowing with magic. A white hue could be seen, and I doubted my eyes were needed to see it as Aydan looked on in wonder. A calming sensation could be felt from the tree as it gave off a feeling of comfort and serenity.

However, we eventually reached the hole the tree was in, and I was surprised that I couldn't see the bottom. Roots of the tree converged into the surrounding walls and kept itself upright with small spots to stand next to the base of the tree itself, but there was nothing under it. A bottomless pit that gave off no energy or magic signals of any kind. Truly a magical place.

"This is the last one. We're almost finished with the guardians, then we'll use the spell for me and afterward we should return to the castle immediately. As much as I'm sure both of us are enjoying this, we cannot afford to spend too many hours in the forest by ourselves. " Aydan stated as he readied his magic once more.

"Agreed. Do I just do the same thing as the other two wards?" I asked for verification.

"Not quite." He gestured to the area. "While I did think of creating a fire guardian, that might not be the best idea. However, this pit is several dozen feet deep, and that's excluding under the tree. Perhaps a guardian of air would be best." Summoning his magic, Aydan gave me a serious look. "In which case, I will need you to help while I ready the enchantment."

"You're going to enchant… Air…"

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Hope everyone is enjoying the story! Got more plans in developement and mystery shrouded in confusion! Lol.

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