
True Evil Lies Within Those Who Reject It

Deus was surprised by Histoire's odd behavior when he returned to the dining room carrying the final item that needed to be brought in before dinner could commence. Keren would be coming into the room soon. It had barely been a second after he carefully placed the fragile object on the table when he felt her firm grip on his hand by hers. She tugged on it, a motion for him to move along with her, which he did out of the dining room, but he stopped halfway up the stairs.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" He asked, and she turned to show him the expression of what could only be described as horror on her face. She did not need to say much and he nodded and continued to walk with her to her bedroom, where she closed the door and locked it behind her. She pressed the piece of paper against his chest and he took it before it would fall on to the ground. He scrutinized the text not once but twice, and each time he failed to identify the significance of the passage.
