
Chapter 4 (I kissed a girl)

**Cursing in this chapter but not too much but I'm just put this here just in case**

(Noya P.O.V)

I walk out of my last class and so does Y/N. "Oh, hey Y/N!" I say waving and running up to her. "Hey Noya!" She says. We both walk for 5 minutes before I break the silence. "Soooo do you have a boyfriend?" I say blushing and worrying. What if she did like another guy? Well, then at least I have Kiyoko. "No, last time a guy confessed to me and angry girl that was his "girlfriend" came up to me I guess telling me he was cheating." She says looking down at the ground. "Wow...." I said looking down as well as my voice trailing off. We were walking for what seemed like hours before we reached my house. I ran up to the steps and opened the door for her. "Thanks". She says then walks in the house. "My parents aren't home so make yourself at home, I'm be in my room really quick." I say running off to my room. You may be wondering, what am I doing? I like a girl, and the room is what the girl probably looks most at. Last time I made my bed I can't even remember. Once I entered my room, I made my bed, picked up trash, put some clothes away, and so on. When I was finally done I went downstairs and motioned Y/N to come to my room. We both walk upstairs and through the hallway into my room. Y/N looks around like she has never seen a room before. "So you were cleaning up here?" She says looking at me. I could tell she was trying not to laugh so hard. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW????" I yelled. Not in a angry tone, just a surprised tone. "I heard trash bags, hangers, and a lot of paper crumbling. I have cleaned my room before you know." She then starts laughing. I felt a little bit embarrassed but at least I'm making her laugh, right? "Okay, okay, don't make fun of me." I said getting some homework on my bed. "I'm not its just funny." She says. Then she does the same as me and gets out her homework. "Ok, first-" She froze after what I did.

««⁎Y/N P.O.V⁎»»

Wha- what the hell did he just do?? Oh you don't know? He kissed me. WHY THE HELL WOULD HE DO THAT?? I'M NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND- wait, does he like me? So many thoughts ran through my mind and all I could say was "I HAVE TO GO" I get all of my homework and rush out of the house and go to my house. I then just lay on my bed and look at the ceiling, processing what just happened. I get up and take some clothes from my drawer and take a shower.

~~Time skip a little later after Y/N's shower~~

After I put on my shirt I looked on tweeter, (YES ITS TWITTER I COULDN'T THINK OF A NAME I WAS WRITING THIS IN CLASS I AM SORRY) then all of a sudden, I get a text message from what said a unknown number. I looked at the text carefully. It said "Hi Y/N 😊" Ahhh the blush emoji, it must be Suga.

Sugawara: Hi Y/N 😊

Y/N: Hey Suga! For a second I thought you were somebody else because it said unknown number for a minute 😂

Sugawara: Haha its kinda doing the same for me

Sugawara: And, I heard you got partnered with Noya, how's it going?

Y/N: Well...Uh...its going

Sugawara: Is something wrong?

Y/N: Well, I guess I can tell you, sigh, he tried to kiss me

Sugawara: R-really? I thought Noya only simped for Kiyoko.

Y/N: Well Idk- wait simp? Are you telling me he's simping over me?

Sugawara: Oh no no no, its just he simps for Kiyoko and he doesn't love anyone else in that kind of way, does that make sense?

Y/N: Ohhh yeah that makes more sense.

Y/N: I have to go now, I'm sorry but have a good night!

Sugawara: Ok, see you tomorrow

I lay down on my bed blushing a little and holding my phone on my chest and slowly falling asleep.


I wake up to my alarm at 6 am as usual. I get up and get dressed.

(The uniform in case you dont know what it looks like)

I put on my shoes and instead of going outside I go in the kitchen and make breakfast. I lived alone in my apartment ever since my first year of high school, a year ago. My parents got their apartment when they were in their first year so they wanted to do the same for me. I made some eggs with toast and then I saw the time. "FUCK-" I yelled. I grabbed my toast popped it in my mouth and ran out the front door to school. When I finally made it I kept on running, even though running in the halls was a rule that nobody can break. Luckily, there was barely anyone outside the halls, they were already in class. When I made it to class, it already started. "Miss L/N, next time try to be on time tomorrow." My teacher said. "I'm very sorry". I say trying to find my seat. "Now who's the late one?" Suga whispered. "Oh shut up, I was just trying to have a good breakfast." I respond. "L/N and Koshi, please be quiet." She says looking back at us. "Y-Yes ma'am!" We both say. It causes us to laugh a little. I write down a little note in my book tear out a little of the page and toss is to Suga.

He tried to keep in his laughter but I could tell that he couldn't do it. Time went by so fast next thing I know when I look at the board, its full of writing. "Oh shoot". I whisper. It was 5 minutes until class was over, so I just needed to write down everything on the board. I started writing as fast as I could, I managed to write everything down but I wasn't supposed to do that. Class was over and I wanted to get out of the classroom as soon as possible, and I succeeded. Then, somebody grabs my shoulder. "Hey Y/N, do you want to eat lunch together?" Suga says smiling. "Oh, sure!" I say. "Where do you want to sit?" I ask looking at him. "On the rooftop, its a beautiful day outside!" He said, of course smiling. We both make our way to the rooftop and sit on a bench on the side of the doors, nobody was on the rooftop except for us. "So Suga I have a question...." I say looking down at my food. "Uh, yeah what is it?" He says in a worried tone. "So about the other day....do you really like me?" I say kind of looking at him in the eyes. "Um....yes, I really do like you....." He said. We could both tell it was awkward. "I'm sorry for asking in the first place-" My voice was cut off by Sugawara Koshi kissing me. Did he really?? I mean I still really like him so I guess this is good... I kissed him back, still wondering why he kissed me. When we both backed off from the kiss we both looked at each other in the eyes, and nobody was talking, but Suga looked a bit worried too. Before I could say anything, the bell rang. I packed my bento up and walked to my next class without saying one word to Suga.

(Mysterious P.O.V (You'll find out who it is later ;))))

"Y/N-" I tried to say but I couldn't I dropped my bento, my heart stopped, and I was frozen....she was kissing another boy....I guess she doesn't like me after all.....wait! Is that....KOSHI??? BUT HE KNOWS I HAVE A CRUSH ON Y/N ISN'T IT OBIVOUS?!?! THAT DAMN BASTARD!! HE'LL PAY FOR THIS!!
