
Chapter 34 - Balancing life


I'm not a first time father. I've been through it all; well at least that's what I thought. No matter how well things are going, you can't help but worry. I had first hand experience with Gio. Everything you do affects them on some level; be it emotionally or mentally, it will reflect in their behavior. The counselling and therapy is working and I'm doing okay. Bella scared me when she said she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. It turns out we were not expecting one, but two babies. Before we could go home while we were waiting for the doctor we talked about the day I almost died and how Carl and Paul found me before I was too far gone. Paul being Paul gave Cleo Tuesday off but I had to go to work and sort out the mess Ruth made . We were at the main house and I left early so that I could be home by lunchtime. By six in the morning I was already out ; it took me fifteen minutes to get to work. I had set a reminder on my phone to check on Cleo every three hours . I missed her already and I could feel it in my bones that this relationship was different on so many levels .

Three hours later I picked up the phone and dialed Cleo's numbers. Her phone just rang which set off alarm bells . she should already be up by now. When I heard her voicemail; I hung up, and opened the tracking app. The app pinpointed her exactly at the house. I called Nicolai to go check up on her and within five minuets he came back to me saying ; Cleo was not on the grounds or in the house. As calm as I was my heart rate sped up. Where the hell was she? I called Blake in and he came in the office that was once Ruth's.

"Mr Massa?"

"Come in and close the door."

Blake sat across me all confused; I could tell by the way he scrunched his face."

"If this is about Brendan , I wasn't involved. "

"It's not. Have you spoken to Cleo? She's gone MIA."

" Nope . She's probably gone out shopping or something .You're using your phone?"

"Yes I am and don't give that look."

"What look?"

" The oh you remembered to check up on your girlfriend look."

" I will try not to. Although its a miracle you know how to use that thing. Give her some space ."

"I want to talk to her. "

" She'll talk to you . She probably went out to have some Cleo time. That's what people do on their days off. "

"I can't help but worry."

" I understand. She's pregnant with your baby too and since you are keeping Brendan away from her she doesn't get to talk as much ."

"Brendan is trouble."

"Jane and I knew that, but Cleo chose to see the good in him. We saw him through Cleo's eyes and he isn't trouble he mixes with trouble."

"I'm seriously worried . Track her down for me please."

"Wow you have such good manners today."

"I'm in a good mood ."

"You should be. You have the best girl and my PA sensors think you are considering asking her to Mary you."

"I don't pay you to predict, I pay you to do as I say."

Blake looked at his phone and started typing away. He looked at me and smiling.

"Cleo forgot her phone on the kitchen island ."

"Where is she ?"

"Having a breakfast meeting."

"With who at nine fifty five in the morning ?"

"Don't flip."

"Talk now."


"Where ?"

" Somewhere downtown. Its a popular bakery the name evades me."

I took out my phone and called Brendan. He answered on the first ring."


"Brendan you sly Fox."

"I have a knack for getting into trouble don't I."

" Its okay just as long as you don't drag my wife in. Did you pay them off?"

"No thanks to you... thank you. So does your girlfriend know that you have a wife and a heart of gold."

"My girlfriend."

"Who looks pretty in a blue and white winter dress and black comfy boots ."

"My girlfriend who I intend to marry and call my wife."

"Okay it makes sense . She's on her way back with a tray full of healthy food. Are you calling her fat?"

" No she is beautiful and she feels so good. "

"Eeew she's my friend stop putting dirty images in my brain. Here she comes."

I heard a static sound and then ... She spoke

"Blue ?"

Music to my ears .

"Hey honey. I miss you. "

"You. Didn't wake me up this morning."

"I tried but you were out like a light . I even kissed you but you were snoring. "

Cleo scoffed

"Angelo I don't snore . I breath in deeply while I sleep. "

I chuckled and Cleo went all quiet.

"You're quiet adorable when you snore. "

"Hey don't throw stones ."

"I love you ."

"I love you more. Before I forget, what time are you coming back home."


"I'm not far from the office. I will take the train and we can do lunch."

My heart felt all warm and fuzzy. I wanted to make up for missing lunch yesterday .

"I will wait for you at the train station."

"Okay see you soon ."

"I love you and our babies Mrs Massa . I swear I'm going to marry you one day "

Cleo laughed out loud making my heart skip a beat .

"We are not married yet and you haven't asked me to marry you genius. "

"Oh I will and it will be an engagement to remember."

"I don't like crowds and I've already engaged in lots of steamy activities with you."

"Are you complaining?"

"No I'm not . my labido has sky rocketed."

"You're pregnant it's normal. What ever you want or need my babe its yours . No questions asked."

"Thank you Blue. I love you so much. I have to go . I will see you at one ."

"I will wait for you."

Once we both hung up I went back to work and Blake made sure I was out of the office on time,that I had a bunch of pink and white roses short stem cut in a vase. I waited for the train to arrive but an announcement came in the through the station's intercom that the train Cleo was on was delayed because of a technical error. I sat down and waited patiently for an hour still... Nothing. My phone vibrated and I picked it up.

"Massa ?"

"Michelangelo Massa ? "

"Speaking. How may I help you?"

"Do you know a Brendan Fox?"

"Who's this ?"

"Dr Raphael from Saint Angelo hospital . There has been an accident. "

Oh my word Cleo.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes but he east brought in alone. You were the last incoming call."

My heart started beating faster . I've already been through a lot yesterday . What the hell is going on .

"Who was he with? "

"An identified female with a head concussion . "

Oh hell let this be a dream.

"What was she wearing ?"

"A blue and white stripped dress."

"There was a shooting which resulted in an accident near the train station. They were caught in the crossfire. "

I ran as fast as I could to my car while talking.

"I'm on my way . The woman you can't identify is my wife she's pregnant. "

I started driving .

"We are doing all we can. They are both injured badly."

" Are they alive?"

"I can't tell you over the phone."

I hung up still in shock. My mission wasn't to surprise Cleo with a trip to the jewelers ; it was to find her , hoping she'll be okay. If this is punishment for my past sins, I don't want Cleo to suffer for what I did in my past. It's been one thing after another .

© #KCMmuoe
