
Chapter 28 - Hidden feelings


I always forgive and let go . I cannot harbour any hate and I cannot be judged by my past mistakes. Its the past . I'm lucky enough to have Cleo who's been patient with me. I'm pretty sure I want her for keeps . I went to her office at lunch time; because she wasn't picking her phone up , she left without saying goodbye this morning , and I missed her . With Paul around she's safe. He told me he was just stepping out for lunch with Ruth. They are being civil at the moment which is a and I don't want Cleo worrying for nothing .Sophia just won't stop . I found her man handling Bella;I threw her out and locked the door .The team will deal with her. She must have said something to my baby love because right after she cleaned up after puking; shame my poor baby she asked who was I .

I gathered that Sophia told her about the company I worked for .

Cleo looked at me with sad eyes

"My baby love its me your boyfriend Bella. Are you suffering from mommy brain?"

"No Massa I'm fine. When were you going to tell me you worked for the mafia? "

"Today during dinner . I just couldn't tell you this weekend."

"Okay Blue . "

Cleo walked out and I she sat on the couch and I sat next to her I thought she was seriously going to bite my head off. She didn't.

" You're not angry?"

" No. I'm just sorry I left without saying goodbye this morning."

"Its okay what did you want to tell me ? I found your note on the table this morning ?"

"I have an appointment scheduled for three pm ..."

" Oh the first trimester scan. "

" Aha . Will you be okay? I can totally go at it alone, I mean I understand if..."

I leaned over to kiss Cleo and she kissed me back.

" I'm done with the bulk of my work . I'm all yours . I will not walk. "

Cleo took my hand and looked at it.

"Blue your knuckles are bruised what happened?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. You're safe that's all that counts. I don't want you worrying."

" Angelo I worry a lot. Now that I'm pregnant its worse . I worry that you're going to walk out on me one day, I worry that I'm not strong enough for you, I worry that I'm not what your parents want for you.I worry that at some stage in our relationship; my skin color, my stance , my background may affect how people look at you,even though I work hard its never enough.

I worry that I might be called a leech, and to an extent gold digger. The women you've dated have had everything done for them or had it easy . They've never had to hustle or be told that they aren't good enough for the position they have applied for. I worry that I'm not good enough for you; that no matter how hard I try I will always fall short. "

Oh my word I haven't been paying attention to Cleo properly .I thought she was okay...I looked at Cleo and she looked like she was about to cry but she held back but her voice gave her away because it had gone all raspy, and you could hear the hurt in her tone . I tried to touch her but she lifted both her hands up.

"Why won't you let me touch you ? Where is this coming from"

Cleo stood up and walked to where her coats hung to retrieve her coat .

" I can't be with you. Sophia, Niki, Nina, Ruth and Rachel aren't going to stop. I don't want to put our baby's life in jeopardy. "

I'd do whatever it takes to protect both of you. Why is Bella shutting me out.

" You're pregnant with our child. What makes you think I wouldn't give my life to protect both of you. I love you Cleopatra ."

" I love you too, but I need a break."



" You're being selfish ."

" No I'm not I need some time to myself to figure everything out. I feel like I'm paying for all of your past girlfriend's mistakes. When you walked out on me last week I told myself I was done with you , I was done trying . Then Rosa convinced me to stay with you and give you time."

"Rosa ?"


I started feeling all sorts sad and hurt. Why did Cleo mention my mothers name ?

" That's my mothers name. "

"What ?"

" Rosa Massa is my mothers name."

I unlocked the bracelet and walked towards Cleo and showed her my mother's photograph

"She's the woman I saw with your dad at the resort."

" Cleo are you lying to me?"

" I'm going out you can eat lunch by yourself."

I walked in front of Cleo and held her by the shoulders . She looked up and made eye contact.

"First of all I'm paying for what Nikki did and that's whats triggering your overbearing behavior . I haven't seen or hung out with Brendan in a while because you think he's a threat . Now I'm lying about seeing a woman who is supposedly your mother .Wow."

"Bella come on..."

" No you come off it ."

"Excuse me ?"

"Your high horse ."

Cleo walked towards the door and unlocked it .

"Cleo don't."

" I'm going out. Please don't follow me ."

As soon as Cleo walked out I followed her .

" Cleo wait!"

© #KCMmuoe
