
Chapter 208 - Invasion(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Mitchell Jones


What in the world is going on? First that emergency announcement that Wights have breached the South Quadrant, and now, I'm getting notifications on my I-Watch that some of the Wights have appeared in the other quadrants too, along with a warning to stay indoors. 

What should I do? One of the areas here in the East Quadrant in which Wights have been sighted is less than a couple of kilometers from my place...I'm seeing a lot of bloody and gruesome social media posts, which are being taken down almost as soon as they're posted. 

Katie and Taayin are my only classmates who also live in the East Quadrant, maybe I should try contacting them? No, I need to decide for myself, I can't just drag them into it...and besides, I'm pretty sure they live in different areas, they always teleport to different Teleportation Points than I do after classes are over. 
