
Chapter 168 - Voice in my Head(Part 2)

"Come on, don't be such a wet blanket...does it really matter what name I go by?" 

"No, I don't really care what you call yourself, but no stupid parody of my name," I responded with a huff. 

"Oh, please, you're just jealous that Murderzachs sounds way more intense and cool than Kilzachs does," He countered smugly. 

"That is absolutely not the case, it's just so overly edgy that it makes me cringe!" I snapped in reply. 

"Hmph, sounds like an excuse, if you ask me. But fine, I'll think of something else," He sighed, before seeming to mull it over and adding after a while, "Okay, I came up with a few options, take your pick! Slayzachs, Homicidezachs, Massacrezachs, Assassinatezachs, Slaughterzachs-." 

"I'm going to stop you right there and veto...all of those. They're all the same thing!" I exclaimed in exasperation. 

"I mean...so is Kilzachs," He shrugged in response. 

"No, it's not! Maybe if there were two Ls, but there's only one!" 
