Now that the materials he needed for his project had arrived, Emery quickly went back to his spirit cave as he couldn't wait to finally get started. He walked through the interior of the cave and headed towards the lab he created next to the garden which was filled with dozens of plants.
The first thing he did upon arriving was to plant the 30 Chizpur Fang seeds at the corner of the garden he had prepared for them. His actions didn't escape the notice of the plant creatures who were around as they quickly followed him.
After planting all the seeds, Emery looked at the five chubby creatures surrounding him in all sides. A smile appeared on his face as he said, "These are your little brothers. Look after them, will you?"
"Ku.. Ku.. Ku.."
Letting out their usual response, the five Chizpur brothers decided to sit around the garden area where the seeds were planted like guards. A sight which couldn't help but make Emery let out a chuckle.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: