
Auction 2

A box of 50 tier 2 Spirit potion [Gaia Serum] was placed on the table and was set to be auctioned off right away.

When it started with 30,000, the screen showed that there were at least two dozen guests who appeared to be interested. It was predictable that a number of people would bid on this valuable spirit potion box as it was believed to be a highly demanded item, just like what Silva had stated previously. 

Everyone placed their best bids, and the total amount of bids kept rising. However, by the time it reached the threshold of 50,000, the number of people who wanted to bid on it had significantly decreased. Up until there were only two people who were interested in bidding on it.

It finally fell to the first person for 60,000 spirit stones. The second and third boxes of serum were bought by the same person for the same price, and finally, the last two boxes were bought by the second person for 65,000 each.


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