

"We did it!" A small yet bright smile could be seen on the trio's faces after they successfully destroyed the most important eyes of the Beholder.

As they had managed to cut the petrifying and recovering eyes, they had successfully cut half of the threat the beholder boasted normally.


The abyss creature let out an indignant growl and unleashed the energy ray through a barrage of attacks, firing the deadly rays on all three of them. The abyss creature also seemed to intend on a grudge vengeance, as it started to charge and bare its sharp teeth towards Emery.

Fortunately, the trio had anticipated this kind of situation, as it was still included in part of the overall plan at the time. Now that terrifying petrifying eyes had been exterminated, the most dangerous attack was the paralysis one unleashed by the main eye.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
