

Dozens of knights surrounded Emery, they were closing in on him as Bagdemagus shouted,

"Capture him men!"

Emery had drawn his sword ready to fight. It appears he will not get the information he knew without a fight. But he knew from experience that each of these knights had extraordinary fighting skills, if he let them start coordinating with each other, the difficulty of the fight would increase many times harder.

A moment later, Five of the knights from behind him advanced simultaneously. 

[Dark smoke]

Emery then summoned a thick dark mist from his other hand, covering the whole area. Not wasting any time, to do this effectively he had to finish off the head first, so he lunged forward, making a surprise attack under the cover of the fog to immediately pursue victory. He swung his sword at the old knight with his top speed but the sword sparked as it clashed with two swords just a step away from the Knight of the Anvil.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
