
104- Theseus' deepest Fears pt3

"I will ask Theseus to be my soul link" Allias repeated almost as if he ignored everything his mother said. Yes, he was acting like a spoiled teenage boy. Like a brat an attitude definitely not a worthy description of a royal, a prince, a future king but he was willing to risk everything. He loved his people, he loved the idea of leading his kingdom to prosperity but he simply loved Theseus more and he couldn't do anything about that. From the first moment his heart had been like this, captured in an unsolved spell. "If you don't let me I will quit"

"No you won't" Suddenly Theseus revealed himself behind the closed door. His mother didn't seem the least surprised that he was there. Once more a darkness had surrounded him. The darkness Allias had fought so hard to dispel had returned and he couldn't help but fell chills down his spine. This wasn't good. "I won't be your soul link Allias." He told him in a cold tone. 
