
Match 52

It wasn't the light of the bright sun that woke him up nor the constant chirping of the birds. It was something different that while he had his eyes closed he couldn't really process. As his heavy eyelids fluttered and he faced the strong light he saw a blurry image. 

He blinked fast trying to get his vision to cooperate and when it finally did he froze. The blurry image was a man. He was hovering above him and what had woken him up was a very shiny and sharp dagger that rested on his neck. His eyes widened as he felt the cold metal. 

Alex examined the unknown man. He was looking at him like he was ready to end him at any moment. His pale hand was gripping strongly the dagger as he looked at him with squeezed eyes. He had short black hair, almost in natural spikes. Eyes like dripping honey and a pair of very pointy ears. He wasn't a human. 

"Who are you and why are you here? A human shouldn't be at the portal." He said in a scolding tone. 
