
Attack on the Devil's Spawn

Hal stood from the ground where he had fallen and looked in direction of the laughing figure that now strut confidently out of the hole he had just broken through.

In her right hand was the white cosmic Armament that had been spinning above her when she was unconscious. The lethality of her approach screamed danger but as Hal watched her approach and {Regeneration} began to mend the wounds her blast of light had inflicted on him, he could only think of one thing;


Why was she doing this?.

If it was ever told to him that such a day would come he would have laughed at such a ridiculous statement but by all evidence, it had come.

It did not take long before the laughing Melinda stood before him. Hal had not bother to run knowing full well he could not outrun her.

Instead he Activated an array to protect the mansion from prying eyes through squirming runes. This was after all a private affair.
