
Chapter 37

I didn't ask if he planned to use super-sized goblets, thus turning two ounces of pleasure into a titillating quart.Instead, I turned and glanced up at him.My smile broadened as I admired him from this angle, his chin strong and firm, his neck nicely corded and his shoulders as broad and hard as a steel beam. "Sure," I managed to get out, my power of speech finally overriding my awestruck brain."A couple of sips won't hurt my reputation."

At least I thought so.Of course, as long as I kept my wits about me and Dane didn't spike my drink with any drug that caused instant arousal I'd be all right to drive home.Although, I could just chuck to all and allow him to carry me over to his bed, that cozy and inviting set-up behind us with its soft spread, plump pillows and lovely panorama of the heavens above.Then, if he wished to undress me, I wouldn't hinder his investigation to uncork and decant my slick and sizzling body-
