
Chapter 3



Its already been Five year since my son was born. The day he was born is the most happiest thing happened in my life! Seeing his tiny eyes looking at me is so mystical and cute! The soft giggles and smiles he have is something that made me love him so much!

When i saw my son being harassed by my idiotic husband's beard, i took every energy i have just to snatch him back. I scolded my husband for being idiotic again. We go home after a few resting and on our way, i scolded my husband again. I said the he should shave his beard if he is near our son. I am always scolding him for his beard and i hope he learn in this experience.

Currently, my son is right beside me lying on the floor watching clouds go by. I am gently petting him and looking at him. I see that he inherited my eyes, Skin color and hair with a little bit of my husband's face. I am sure he will grow up into a fine handsome Man in the future!

From this past five years, i observed that my son is the most smartest and calmness child in this village. He is so responsible to his works and always helps me in my chores. He is also a genius because of his quick take up in reading and writing, he even fluently talks Nihongo in just two months of training.

I also saw him as a selfless person because sometimes, when i brought him outside to interact and play with other kids, he just sometimes ditch them and helped random people struggling to hold their bags or sacks. I am going to scold for not playing with other child and deviating from this park but i saw him smiling and enjoying what he is doing so i let him do whatever he wants to do.

At home, i always see him staring at our family's library which brought me curiosity. I crept beside him and looked inside and i saw my Brother-in-law Danzo doing his research there so i took Haru with me. My Brother-in-law said that we civilians are not welcome to this library unless we prove to him that we are worthy to be there.

I am afraid he is planning strange so i asked him "Haru my son, why are you staring at the library? Didn't i tell you that we are forbidden there?"

He looked guilty and said "I am sorry mom, i saw Uncle seems upset so i want to cheer him up!"

Awwweeee he is cute. I smiled and kissed him on his cheeks many times before hugging him tightly. I am lucky to have this kind of son, He is so cute and wants to help everyone in need even if he is struggling! But please don't involve yourself from your uncle son, he is sooo creepy. I will protect you from him no matter what son!


It's been four years since i was reincarnated. I started running around the house, lifting chairs, tables, doing dishes, cleaning the house and many more to train my body and also to not garner attention to me.

I love my family but not that much of my old family. I respect them and owe them for giving birth to me but the love i got for my past Family is still with me. I will not replace my old family but the love and respect you give me, i will treasure it and protect you whenever needed. This is the resolution i got from them, well they helped me so much and it is dumb of me if i didn't give them what they deserve right? So i will just act along with them and show them love.

My mother always invites me to go out so i used that chance to help old people carry their bags and train my body. I also train my body in park but still tone that down just to make it not suspicious from my mother and peoples there. I am training my body moderately because i don't want to hinder my growth.

I also sorted every knowledge i devoured in that place for the past few years because it is so damn messy. Thank goodness my brain mutated with my soul and every memories i got from my devouring spree and became a mini computer. I can compute any information as fast or even greater than a computer. I arranged every knowledge i got in different field such as science, biology, mathematics, languages too such as English, Latin, French, Japanese, Chinese and many more. I also gain some drawing knowledge and knowledge in anatomy, mechatronics, sword skills, detection skills, hiding skills, and many more that i can use in this world.

In my devouring spree of souls in that realm, i devoured 4 great fictional characters that have different impacts in different Anime. They are Dr. Gero from Dragon Ball, Aizen from Bleach, Netero from HunterxHunter and lastly is Seijuro Hiko from Rurouni Kenshin.

Dr. Gero is a genius scientist, working from the red ribbon army and an antagonist in the Dragon Ball world. He created the Androids and Cell that almost killed all the Saiyans and the Z Warriors. He rebuilt himself as an android and created some crazy stuff that can destroy earth but still died and failed in the hands of the Z warriors. He is cool if not for his over obsession of killing Goku. Even though he is weak for the saiyan, He is still as smart as Dr. Briefs.

Aizen is a Sadistic and manipulative freak. He manipulated the whole Soul Society just to gain everything he want. he have a cool Zanpakuto that can trick everyone. There's no need to expound his acts if you're a bleach fan. Even though he is an antagonist in bleach, he is still a master of sword, Hado and many more. I like his Zanpakuto more if not for its limitation that you need to let others see his Shikai to control/trick them.

Next is Netero, he is also a manipulative person that pushes everyone to their limits even though there's a big chance for them to die. In every mission, he even consider the hunters that took difficult missions as dead. He even considered himself dead when he was fighting Meruem. But he is still a master of Nen and founded the hunter association. He is also crazy to martial arts which i am thankful too hehehe.

I have lots and lots of different techniques and styles that can put shame to Taijutsu Masters in this world hehehe but of course not Mighty Duy and his Created technique. His technique is Op but having different style increases your survivability in this world. I'm thankful that i also absorbed his instinct and i can even differentiate people that are lying or not. That is a main characteristics of a really good hunter so no doubt about it hehehe.

Last but not the least would be Seijuro Hiko. He is the twelfth successor of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu and sensei of Himura Kenshin. He is the only master of the sword style Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu due to his peak body strength. Yes, he trained his body to sustain and bring the sword technique to its fullest. In their second fight/training with himura kenshin he received just a scratch on his collar from the MC even though he is wearing a 90 kg coat. He also have a lazy side and a social awkwardness when he's in front of people. He became a potter in the mountains and let Himura confront Shishio even though he can defeat Shishio faster and easier.

With the knowledge of these people, i know i can still aim for the top and doesn't become a cannon fodder. I am readying my body for the harsh training i'm planning to do. I will Practice my Swordmanship and see if i can learn Taijutsu/Martial Art in this world and compare them out with the one i have. I know we have it in out family library but my uncle and grandfather are always there and i can't just access it without a reason. I still hate my uncle because he starts showing his manipulative side.

I must plan this out, but first lets discover the mystery of chakra. This is the only thing that piqued my interest in this world. According to my knowledge in the anime, chakra is the combination of Physical and Spiritual energy. Physical energy is also considered as life energy of the body and spiritual energy is the mental/soul strength of the mind. The Physical energy can be found in your belly since it is the source of your energy while the Spiritual energy can be found in you head. This two energy meets in the heart and merges into chakra in your heart. It is kinda vague but with time i know i can solve this mystery.

As i meditate to feel my chakra, I felt something clicked in my body and a familiar aura surrounded me. This aura is something familiar or should i say what my memory's familiar with. It is an aura that can be seen in hunterxhunter world.

Yes, it is Nen and i am super excited about this discovery of mine. In my knowledge about Nen, Nen is known as a manifestation of you life energy/aura. It strengthen your body and can do different technique. You can also create different Hatsu that suits your taste, personality and imagination. The more restrictions you're Hatsu have, the more powerful it is.

It can only be awaken by natural means or by force. Natural awakening is much better than by force, but it also means its much harder to awaken it. You can achieve natural awakening by training which will take years to achieve unlike force awakening where you have to fight a Nen user, which you have a small chance to live, or by letting other Nen user to awaken it.

The problem is why do i have Nen then? If everyone possessed Nen, then that is quite fascinating because that should only be in the HunterxHunter world. It is maybe Netero's soul that mutated my body then! if that is true, every souls mutated my body for sure! Reiryoku, Nen, Ki and many more energy is compatible with my body. I need more data about this, i will explore it deeply!

Since i accidentally have or awaken my Nen, i can assume that this is the so called Physical energy or is it just for me? i need more data. As for my spiritual energy, i can say that my guess is right. Even though it is small, i can also feel familiarity onto it is Reiryoku. Well what do you expect, Reiryoku is the manifestation of your soul's will power and spiritual sensitivity. every human have Reiryoku. They just vary form people to people and if you have more Reiryoku you can be considered as a super human. What i have is two time the normal person and that can still be improved!

The Ninjas of this world can focus on their Chakras and their Jutsus while i have my Nen and my Techniques together with my Chakra and many more my body mutated to hehehe.

Damn if this two where actually posses by every person in this world, ain't it much more dangerous? It means that there are hollows in this world and many more right? If that is true then i am fucked, really really fucked! How am i going to reach the top in this world if that is true? i hope there is not and pray for it to be just like in the Canon.

"Haaaaa" I exhaled, "I'm going to train myself much harder so that i can still reach the top and not die like a canon Fodder!"
