
Chapter 55: The Here and Now

It was high noon when Bilal's spaceship landed in the field next to the communication posts.

He couldn't carry all of the items back on his own. He and Carmella would need their trucks. Bilal smiled as he thought of Carmella. He couldn't wait to press his face against her neck and smell her scent and to feel the tickle of her hair against his face. He missed the feel of her dreadlocks and the way they hung down her back in thick tendrils. He missed her brown eyes that turned black with fire when she was angry…as well as when she was in need of his touch.

His penis twitched and he quickly hefted the backpack onto his shoulders. He had no weapons other than the poison that he could easily produce with his tentacles, but he hoped not to encounter any wolves. It was now spring and his understanding of wolves is that they would remain close to their dens as they generally gave birth at this time.
