
Timeline 1: Before Thor and Baldur's Birth

Undetermined Time: Big bang, Infinity Stones, and Celestials.. happened. We simply know Ego, and the Knowhere Celestial existed, the rest is an assumption. Ego was born at least a few million years ago, along with the Dark Elves.

Approximately 50,000 years ago: Asgard, Midgard, and the rest of the realms start creating life. Kree, Skrulls and most of the MCU Alien races are born.

10,000 BC- 3000 BC: Kree come to Earth and experiment on the humans, granting them abilities and giving rise to the sub-race of Inhumans. Hive gets himself banished to the planet Maveth. Also, Agaomotto, his mother Oshtur, and Hoggoth found Kamar Taj, and start the Order of the Mystic Arts. He also builds the 3 Sanctums in London, Hong Kong, and New York, to protect Earth Dimension from dangers such as Dormammu, Chthon, and Set.

2988 BC: The war between Asgard and Svartalfheim takes place, sending all 9 realms into war. Bor Burrison leads the Asgardian Army to victory against Malekith, and stops him from sending the Universe into darkness. He hides the Aether on Earth, and makes it so no one can find it.

2988 BC to 1000 AD: Sometime in this Era, Bor dies, giving the throne to Odin. Odin, and his daughter Hela, to his first wife(who is as of yet, unknown) war against the other realms, bringing them under Asgard's command.

Nidavellir is already under Asgard at this time, as we know that Hela used Mjolnir during this war. So that leaves Jotunheim, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Muspelheim against Asgard.

Hela and Odin win against the realms, but Hela, thanks to Odin, had now gotten used to the fighting and war. She'd gotten addicted to war, and was of the opinion that she needed to rule Asgard, and rule over all the other realms. And yes, I'm pushing the blame on Odin, because if Odin hadn't been such a war monger, then Hela wouldn't have turned out like that.

Plus, you can't name someone Hell and not expect Hell.

Odin then banishes Hela to Niflheim/Helheim, AFTER he stupidly sends the Valkyrie to their deaths. He marries Frigga, to maintain the peace between the Vanir and Aesir. Meanwhile, the only surviving Valkyrie abandons her duties after the death of her lover Brunhilde, and leaves Asgard. Sometime after this, she ends up on Sakaar, and stays.

Sometime before 964 AD, Thor and Baldur are born to Frigga of the Vanir. Our MC wakes up. Asgard and Jotunheim again go to war, which is shown in Thor. Odin wins, Loki gets taken by Odin as both his son, and a bargaining chip against Laufey.

The rest of the Timeline will get uploaded as I write the chapters.

This is the timeline as I know it, or believe it to be. For more details, you may visit https://collider.com/mcu-timeline-explained/?amp

There are bound to be a few mistakes, or plot holes, but you can tolerate them by thinking, "It's his AU, he can do whatever the f*ck he wants."

HelloDarkness07creators' thoughts