
Preparing for the journey

Last night, when I arrived from school and it's my secret workplace that no one in my family knows I have, I prepared my backpack for my trip to Buzau, which I think will be a truly unique one for me because I am still a beginner in all this work of hunting monsters and sending them back to their size (in happier cases), and this departure is unique because it is my first trip I make with a co-worker.

Initially, I was supposed to be the only one on this trip, but I also happened to receive Jacob because he really helped me a lot in yesterday's mission to convince my mother to let me go there. So, I have to take him there with me because that's how the deal was, he helps me fool my mother that I'm going there to study the police, and he will come and accompany me there, however, it's better than to go alone to an unknown city.

It's one o'clock in the morning, and at this time, I leave the house, but not on the door, because I could raise suspicions and risk waking my mother. After all, the door of the house is old and she makes that sound from the horror movies when the Psycopath enters the house in search of the victim.

So the best solution is to open the window in my room, throw the backpack with everything that is needed on the window, then follow me to jump out of the window, and finally close the window, because it has a lock and except for I don't know what reason and because my father had been lazy when he tried to put in a new window and put it in such a way that it would be easy for a thief to break into the house and steal the money. I was able to jump the window because I live on the ground floor, and the window is quite large and when I jumped the window, I quickly took out the key that helps me travel through the portals and decided to use it to get to the city base because at this time they are not motorcycles and I am fifteen years old, and I can take the driving license at the age of eighteen.

To use this key, I have to hold it straight forward, then say the location where I want to be sent, but an exact location. It is not enough to say the name of the building to which I must be sent because this key gives an error and could send me even out of the universe. First, I check the globe from the key, then I look in Argeș County, Curtea de Argeș city, then the location where that base is supposed to be seen. After a few seconds, I saw the base on the globe and then press that location, and after that I press send. And in just a matter of seconds, I got sent there.

Arriving in front of that base where I work, I notice Jacob on the stairs of the building, waiting for me to come and holding a weapon, a kind of sword. Now I don't know what is the strangest thing, the fact that I take him with me to Buzau or the fact that he can handle weapons and he hasn't told me yet.

"Good morning!" says Jacob getting off from the step of the stairs who are leading to the entrance of the building.

"Morning, Jacob!" I reply to Jacob. "How can you hold that weapon?"

"Pretty easy. It is a weapon for ghosts."

"Um... Okay. So are you ready?"


"Alright, now what was the exact location?" I say while I am looking at the globe from the key.

"Just teleport somewhere in Buzău," says Jacob. "If it isn't that place, we will search it until we will found it."

"If you say so."

I take the key and put it right in front of me, then I check the location of Buzău on the globe, I choose the center of Buzău, then I type two people and in a few moments, Jacob and I landed in Buzău. The key works much faster if the sending distances are short, but if the distances are long, such as from Romania to Japan, then it takes longer to teleport, now that we are two people (teleportation also takes into account ghosts), things they will be heavier to arrive there in time.


Into the center of Buzău...

"Please, believe me!" says a hobo man who prays to a group of teenagers to hand him a miserable remnant of a ten-penny coin. "I really need that money to pay for my hotdog."

"Yeah, right!" says one teenager who is dressed in clothes that could value much more than those damaged organs of that hobo person.


"Not a please, you animal!" says a teenage girl, who is one of those rich and those who care about money, to that hobo. "You should be ashamed of the clothes you are wearing. Ugh! I can't believe a hobo is dressed like this!"

Then, the teenage boy has seen the box of that hobo and sees there two banknotes of five RON. The teenage boy, realized is running short of money, so he said to his girl to go to the bar and buy him a drink, and the girl, complains at him. "Why are you making me do a slave thing? Do you know who I am?!", protest her, but then the teenage boy convinced her to go there, and when she has left the scene, the boy has started the business. That teenager punches that poor man in the right jaw and steals money. He puts money in his pants pocket, then decides to give him another one, but this time he kicks him in the male organ, then spits on that poor man and goes after his girlfriend, without saying anything to that vagabond who is now ready to die at any time.

"Ich verarbeite die Informationen!" (I process the information) says a robot voice who is appearing after that douchebag boy left the scene. "Informationen verarbeitet! Mission kommt! Missionsnummer 2352: Vernichte den Jungen und das Mädchen." ( Information processed! Mission coming! Mission number # 2352: Annihilate the boy and the girl)

Then the robot, coming out of the hiding place, grabs that hobo that is about to die at any moment, takes a syringe out of his left arm and sticks it in the heart of that hobo, then leaves him on the streets without saying anything and continues to hunt that money boy and that teenage woman. While the robot was haunting them he constantly whispers to himself: "An... an... An... Ann... Ann... Anna... Anna..." until he arrives in front of those two teenagers.

"Who the hell are you?" asks the boy laughing at that robot. "Some kind of cosplayer."

"Yeah! Take your mask off, you virgin!" says the girl who is getting closer to that robot and who was about to take the mask off that thing, but something she didn't anticipate has happened.

"Eliminiere das Mädchen ... und den Jungen." ( Eliminate the girl ... and the boy) says the robot who is making his right arm into a sword and starts cutting the girl into a horizontal half.

The girl hadn't even had time to react because that attack was so fast that neither the boy nor anyone else in that area would have had time to react. But when the girl was cut, that German robot assassin realized that it was not enough and decided to cut it vertically using the same sword. When the girl was cut again, the bones of her body were completely torn, liters of blood spilled from her teenage body, and her heart and brain were gathered by that robot, who ate it slowly and enjoyed it. Now, seeing that what happened to his girlfriend, she did not decide to save her, but to run away from the crime scene, screaming and crying, but also praying to God not to attack him because he was a person. very good with everyone around him and if he escapes, he will promise to save Romania from the crisis, but this promise was not enough to save his life.

When the boy turned that corner, he saw that man on the street who had been grounded by him, but now he no longer looked like a man ... or any normal being on this planet. That Hobo now has two muscular arms, a metal face with glassy red eyes, the legs are made of metal with spikes, and the whole body is human. That man from the street looks at the boy who had beaten him in the street because he was asking for help, he points his right hand at him, who transforms into a grenade launcher and throws a grenade at that boy. The boy had tried to avoid the grenade, and he succeeded, but not with the sword of that metal monster that had been thrown from about fifty meters. The sword went into the young man's head, fixed in his brain. The boy falls on the cold and dirty asphalt of the street in the center, and that Hobo and the German metal monster look at the boy's body and they both say before both of them eat the boy's body.

"Herrlich." ( Delightful )

While they were eating the body of that child, one man was on the top of a big building and looks at those two monsters devouring the poor boy. The man there, take his sniper rifle out of his bag, and he prepares to take a big shot to that creature. But on the rooftop of the building, where the man was located, there is another hunter, who is wearing a hoodie and has three swords on his back and a hairy left hand.

"Are you ready, Andre?" asks the guy who is holding the sniper rifle.

"Ready every day." says the guy who is wearing a hoodie getting up and preparing to fight those monsters.
