
Anthony's death. (Past)


"Mom..." Valentina shouted as she falls down on her knees.

"Mom... What happened?" Valentina shouted as she held her by her shoulders.

"Mom... Can you please tell me what happened?" Valentina shouted and Amelia turned towards him.

"Your... Your Dad... Is... No more!" Amelia said with tears falling down from her eyes making Valentina's eyes wide.

"Wh... What?" Valentina shouted.

"No dad is no more!" Amelia shouted as she cried out loud.

"He died in an accident!" Amelia said as she cried and tears started falling down from Valentina's eyes. 

"No... This... This is not true..." Valentina replied as she stood up on her feet.

"It's true, Val." George said as he walked inside the Jackson house. 

"No... You are lying..." Valentina yelled and George looked down.

"We are not lying!" George replied and Valentina stumbled back with tears.

"How... How is this possible?" Valentina yelled at George.
