
Chapter Fourteen: Dirty Kat Talk - January 14th 2027

A few days later after school Dirt walked up to Kat with a smile on his face and his bag over his shoulder. Kat waved to him and he waved back as he grew closer to him before he eventually was standing side by side.

"Hay Kat can we chat?" asked Dirt once he was at Kat's side which Kat found was odd that Dirt actually beat Vixi to him after school got out.

"I guess." replied Kat with a shrug of his shoulders before adding, "I'm actually surprised that you beat Vixi to me. She seems to always be the first one to catch up with me after class."

"Yah about that, do you like her?" asked Dirt as the two of them began to walk towards Kat's house.

"Why? You thinking about asking her out?" asked Kat with a smile looking at his friend.

"Not her." replied Dirt as he looked at the ground.

"Then why ask if I like her?" asked Kat before it actually clicked at which point he added, "I see well I guess there is something that we really need to discuss."

"Oh I didn't mean..." started Dirt as he turned to leave only for Kat to gently grab his wrist.

"Hay Derek wait." replied Kat which made Dirt freeze. Kat has never called him by his real name. He doesn't tease him and call him Dirt either.

"You. You just called me Derek. Why?" asked a confused Dirt as he turned to face Kat once more.

"Because I need you to listen to me and because this is something very important." replied Kat as he released Dirt's wrist. "Derek, you're one of my best friends and really that's great because you're cool in your unique way. I know not many people get you and the four of us really don't hang out with anyone else but to be honest I'm not really looking for anyone more then just friends for now."

"So maybe..." started Dirt with a smile once for it to fade as Kat raised a hand to cut him off.

"Derek I don't want to give you a false hope. I'm not looking right now but I do know when I do start looking for someone it's not going to be another guy. I'm sorry I'm just not like that." replied Kat trying to think of the best way to explain things, "But hay man I'm glade I'm the first person you told and you first choice, but still your not my type so let's just stay friends what do you say?"

"Okay, but you're not the first person I've told." confessed Dirt once more looking at the ground in shame.

"Hay nothing to be ashamed of I'm sure your mom is proud of you." replied Kat with a smile as he put an encouraging arm around him.

"I haven't actually told her yet." confessed Dirt as they stopped in front of Dirt's house.

"Then who?" asked a confused Kat, "If it was someone else at school everyone would already know since I can only think of maybe two people who can keep a secret and I'm one of them."

"Vixi." confessed Dirt which made Kat's eyes go extremely wide from shock.

"Wait, Vixi knows and she hasn't told anyone. That's hard to believe let alone the fact she didn't try and talk you out of asking me out." replied the shocked Kat after blinking a few times.

"She figured..." started Dirt only to pause and think over what had just been said. Did he really know and has he just been playing her? Dirt then looked at him and asked, "So you know Vixi is in love with you?"

"Who doesn't know?" asked Kat. "I've been playing dumb because I don't want to hurt her feelings and well like I said I'm not looking for a more then a friend right now. Can you please not tell her that I know?"

"Sure I guess." replied Dirt as he shuffled his feet some. "Well this is my place so see you tomorrow?"

"Yah and cheer up if you need I can keep my ears to the ground and try and find you a boyfriend." replied Kat with a heartfelt smile before adding, "See you tomorrow Derek."

With that they went their separate days and if he was completely honest with himself that was the last thing Kat ever thought Dirt would've asked him. Hell he was touched he had two of his friends wanting to date him but still he did feel really bad about turning him down. Kat just really didn't see anything attractive about other guys. Yet then why was he so set on playing with Vixi. Maybe it was a cat thing.

With a sigh Kat continued on his way thinking however strange it was it couldn't possibly get any worse. Could it? Then again Vixi hasn't caught up with him yet. He sure did hope she was okay.

Just then as he approached his house he paused because sitting on his front porch steps waiting for him was Val. What could he possible want? And why today of all days? One odd and strange conversation was almost more then he thought he could handle. But with a shrug of his shoulders and a sigh Kat started towards his house before waving to Val and saying, "Hay Val what's up?"

Dear fans due to the holiday season I will not be posting on this story until January 7th of 2021. Please enjoy the holidays and thanks for all the support and encouragement.

ShadowFoxx89creators' thoughts